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pvp [Xbox] [Windows 10] Australian Ark Sydney Server 10x Harv 5x weight


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[Xbox] [Windows 10] Australian Ark Sydney Server 10x Harv 5x weight

Hello, I’ve just started a brand new PVP server 32 slot on Extinction and would very much like some players to join me! I plan on adding Genesis as a cluster upon release and have created a Discord and Facebook page. This is my first time attempting to host a server so any feedback is appreciated! ?
Discord: https://discord.gg/zK3A9Tp
Facebook: Australian Ark Sydney Server
PVP: -No Offline Raid Protection -No Tribe Cap -Auto-Engram Unlock (Excluding Tek) -Alliances Allowed -Wild Dino Level Max: 150 -No Cave Building -Baby Imprint Cuddle: Anyone -Mod Stacks -Non-Permanent Diseases -Player Map Location
Multipliers: -Harvesting: x10 -XP: x5 -Taming Speed: x10 -Food & Water Drain: x0.5 -Baby Hatch Speed: x20 -Baby Mature Speed: x20 -Lay Egg Interval: 0.5 -Mating Interval: 0.5 -Day Time Speed: x0.6 -Night Time Speed: x1.0
Player Stats: -Health: x2 -Stamina: x1.5 -Oxygen: x2 -Weight: x5 -Crafting Speed: x2 -Fortitude -x1.5
Dino Stats: -Weight: x3 -Stamina: x1.5 -Stamina Drain: x0.7image0.jpg

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