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Looking for information about Beginner Servers


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i cant find any information on it. 

a) Player limit is lvl 39, but we see people running around with Metal Armor and AK.

Is that from caves ? could it be from bosses / can u even do bosses at lvl 39 with lvl 39 pets ?  ..


b) do beginner servers gradually change over time, and level limit will get higher after a certain amount of days ?

i noticed after a while the quetz showed up, and now a good week later even that stone bronto .. 

id appreciate any info


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*I played on an official beginner server for about a year before they started the scheduled server wipes, so my information may be outdated at this point.

You can do pretty much everything on a beginner server you'd be able to do on a regular server with a few changes. 

The max player level is 44, with wild dino's being limited to a max lvl 30 before taming or breeding.  

More than likely the people you've seen with armor or weapons from higher level engrams managed to get them from cave drops or getting VERY LUCKY with fishing. You can do bosses as well and get the loot for defeating them. The best tribe on our old server was able to clear gamma broodmother fairly often but it's a challenge now with the scheduled wipes. I believe you could get higher tier items and blueprints from the Winter Wonderland event as well, but I think the servers have already been wiped removing that possibility for now. Cave loot crates will have slightly better items but there is a level requirement to open them just like the supply drops on the surface, same with deep sea crates.

The server settings wont change over time other than the weekend Evo Events that boost gathering rates, taming effectiveness, etc. All that being said you will still be able to find wild Quetzals, Giganotosaurus, and even Titanosaurs (the giant brontos with rocks on them). They're rare spawns, but they will show up on a beginner server. They'll just be capped at up to a max lvl 30 when spawning in. I knew a tribe that had multiple giga's, mosasaurus, and quetzals before they wiped the servers. An important note about these tames though is that the engrams for their saddles will not normally show up in the game on beginner servers. So you can tame them, but not ride them normally.  No Argentavis saddles, no Rex saddles, and so on. 


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