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Primal Fear Server Settings - Small Tribe


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Primal Fear Server Settings - Small Tribe

Hello there fellow Ark-ians!

I will host a little server with probably up to 10 players at some point. I want to install the Primal Fear Mod as well as S+, Steampunk and whatever else might be fun.

However, I need your advice on which settings to pick / how to make Primal Fear, while challenging, not overwhelmingly hard. I managed to get an Apex Dragon and the Empress and Emperor on my own but facing the Chaos Bosses... No way. So I either have to make lvling unlimited which might be a good idea(? experiences?) or I add mods like the upgrade station ( which frankly didnt do me any good last time). So maybe there are some settings anyone here can recommend as far as multipliers go. Nothing that makes the game too easy but something you can actually accomplish.

If further clarification is needed, please just ask.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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