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Want Lightening and Poison Wyverns with eggs on Val? Heres how!


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Want Lightening and Poison Wyverns with eggs on Val? Heres how!

So I just started hosting my own Val dedicated and I finally found a way to get all the wyverns on the map eggs included. So I was reading a thread on the dynamic of how the nests work in an effort to get rock drake raising working(Still a nogo ill let you know if I find a means) and saw that the wyvern nests spawn eggs by randomly picking a nearby wyvern for color, stats, type etc and thought to myself well then what's to say if I drop poison wyverns near the nests it may spawn there eggs and IT WORKED! So here what you do to get the eggs Wyverns on the map and the nests will do the rest for you.

Just paste the spawn codes in your game.ini data

//This code below tells it to use the Fire scar spawn point(NPCSpawnEntriesContainerClassString="Val_FireWyvernEntries_C"), that the creature will guarantee spawn(EntryWeight=1) and to utilize up to 50% of the spawn allocation(MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow=0.5) This will make Poison Wyverns spawn in the fire part of the scar------------------------------Copy and paste the text below.


//This code below tells it to use the Ice scar spawn point(NPCSpawnEntriesContainerClassString="Valguero_IceWyvernEntries_C"), that the creature will guarantee spawn(EntryWeight=1) and to utilize up to 50% of the spawn allocation(MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow=0.5) This will make Lightening Wyverns spawn in theIce part of the scar------------------Copy and paste the text below.


By doing this the nests in the scars will randomly select a host parent of either type of wyvern allowing your lightening in the ice scar and poison wyvern eggs in the fire scar to spawn in your map. 

Thank me later. More goodies to come i'm sure.


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