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pvp Looking for Official PS4 PVP Ark Server (Pref Abberation/Extinction/Ragnarok)


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Looking for Official PS4 PVP Ark Server (Pref Abberation/Extinction/Ragnarok)

Hey all, I apologize if this is the incorrect place to put this post. 

Trying to get back into the game with another friend, looking for an OFFICIAL PS4 PVP Ark Server on any of the new maps (ABBERATION, EXTINCTION, RAGNAROK). 

Looking for a server where I won't have to worry about getting wiped by max dino's overnight, hoping that the alphas/top tribes will allow the newbies to build on a side of the map and eventually move if and when they build trust. Won't ask for handouts, will completely work on our own, just want the peace of mind that if PVP does occur, it won't be 3 dragons swooping down for our mere ankylo's. 

Thank you in advance for anyone who knows of a server/is alpha on a server and is able to help.

Please put your psn down below and I shall message you, or vice versa. Whatever works for you all! Thanks in advance.goku_says_hi.jpg

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yo my psn is worried145pug messge me if you reply now or ima be on at 3:00 am canda bc 
Hey can you have your admin send me a message if they are running on nitrado and actually can get they players survivors, dinos, and items to transfer between maps inside same cluster, please and thank you my psn is goon_justgoon if they need to message there it's fine also
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