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Admin / Trusted Player Tool - Game Save Visualiser


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Yeah along with various other classes such as the GameObject.  Its all C# code.

What is it you're trying to do?

If you've got access to the directory with .ark and .arkprofile data ASV will load what it can find from both - then include that data in any export as json.  If it's not in these exports it probably isn't available in the base data.

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12 hours ago, MirageUK said:

Yeah along with various other classes such as the GameObject.  Its all C# code.

What is it you're trying to do?

If you've got access to the directory with .ark and .arkprofile data ASV will load what it can find from both - then include that data in any export as json.  If it's not in these exports it probably isn't available in the base data.

The real reason is to extract IP address.

I want to make automatic whitlist at firewall level, for DDOS attacks

Edited by SpenceFoxtrot
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16 hours ago, SpenceFoxtrot said:

The real reason is to extract IP address.

I want to make automatic whitlist at firewall level, for DDOS attacks

Sounds like a catch-22 situation...
If all IP addresses are effectively banned at the start (because they're not in the whitelist), then they're not going to be able to get though to Ark to create a character - and therefore not get whitelisted.

Also: people's IP addresses change whenever their ISP feels like changing them so you'll need to provide a means for people to contact you to ask to be whitelisted again with a new IP address.

Edited by Larkfields
added more info
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10 hours ago, Larkfields said:

Sounds like a catch-22 situation...
If all IP addresses are effectively banned at the start (because they're not in the whitelist), then they're not going to be able to get though to Ark to create a character - and therefore not get whitelisted.

Also: people's IP addresses change whenever their ISP feels like changing them so you'll need to provide a means for people to contact you to ask to be whitelisted again with a new IP address.

The idea is not to load the whitelist always, but only when ddos arrived :)

I know how to do this.

2 hours ago, MirageUK said:

I purposefully avoid exposing any IP address but that data is available.

I guessed it was intentional.

But at my level, I don't know how to extract IP (+ gameid and character name to easily manage later) easily.

I just need to find a dev that understand how to use this code you shared.

I understand I need a c# dev.

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11 hours ago, SpenceFoxtrot said:

The idea is not to load the whitelist always, but only when ddos arrived :)

I know how to do this.

I guessed it was intentional.

But at my level, I don't know how to extract IP (+ gameid and character name to easily manage later) easily.

I just need to find a dev that understand how to use this code you shared.

I understand I need a c# dev.

Or a python dev - if you just want the ip addresses 🙂


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Mirage, I hope you're well. If you plan to update ArkViewer in the future, would you please consider adding the RenamePlayerId command to the Players tab ?

You already added the RenamePlayer command, but one of the worst and most current issues for admins are players who forget (purposely or not) to give a name to their character, who therefore is called "Human". And we quickly have several "Human" characters on servers.

Only the RenamePlayerId command allows to discriminate between several Human characters.

Link to its description https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Console_commands#RenamePlayerId

Thank you !

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On 11/17/2024 at 10:00 AM, Elgar said:

Hi Mirage, I hope you're well. If you plan to update ArkViewer in the future, would you please consider adding the RenamePlayerId command to the Players tab ?

You already added the RenamePlayer command, but one of the worst and most current issues for admins are players who forget (purposely or not) to give a name to their character, who therefore is called "Human". And we quickly have several "Human" characters on servers.

Only the RenamePlayerId command allows to discriminate between several Human characters.

Link to its description https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Console_commands#RenamePlayerId

Thank you !

Drop this into the players section of commands.json:


          "text": "RenamePlayerId",
          "params": [
              "key": "PlayerID",
              "quoted": false,
              "order": 1
          "inputs": [
              "key": "New Name",
              "quoted": true,
              "order": 2


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  • ASE - Added map support for Gunsmoke 
  • ASE - Parsed steamId from .ark data.
  • ASA - Added map support for Astraeos 
  • General - Added copy / rcon commands: SpawnExactDino and RenamePlayerId
  • General - Fixed wild copy/rcon commands not using empty defaults when replacing some command parameters.
  • General - Parsed players last IP address from .arkprofile data.
  • General - Included "netAddress" in players json export.
  • Release - Included up to date maps.json in the .net60 release folder :)

Donations https://ko-fi.com/mirageuk

Edited by MirageUK
I can't spell "Astraeos"
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On 10/23/2024 at 1:20 AM, MeatShield said:

Would it be possible to improve the item search for blueprints. Could we get an option to show only blueprints?

Sometimes I'm just trying to track down where someone lost a BP...


@MeatShield I'll look into changing the filters to dropdown options instead of tick boxes so it'll be something like..

  • Tamed creatures tab: "All", "Normal", "Stored", "Uploads"
  • Item search tab: "All", "Normal", "Blueprints", "Uploads"

... not sure when that'll be though but I'll definitely investigate for the next release.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/10/2024 at 1:46 AM, jrole said:

is there a way to read files quicker for big files. as im just needing certain data from a export but big files take 10 minutes + . Im using asv export

Unfortunately not without a considerable re-write in how it all works. I wrote it to be a comprehensive "viewer" - the json export is a by-product and not the main function of my app so a lot of work was done specifically to try and load EVERYTHING it could.

The source code is all freely availabe on my github though so if you know any C# and are up for a challenge feel free to extract out the parts you need and try make improvements. https://github.com/miragedmuk/ASV

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On 12/14/2024 at 5:26 PM, Elgar said:

Hi, I noticed today for the first time the "Remove player" button in the Players tab. What does it do exactly please ? Does it delete the .arkprofile file attached to this player ? If yes, does it delete it only locally in ASV subfolders, or does it delete it too via FTP in the server files ?

Not sure if it does anything for ASA.

ASE it would delete your local copy of the .arkprofile and if configured for FTP mode would also connect to server and remove the .arkprofile from there too.

Based on <networkId>.arkprofile though so might not work for ASA.

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I'll get a new release together this weekend but for now to add basic support for Extinction ASA add this to your maps.json:

      "MapName": "Extinction (Ascended)",
      "Filename": "extinction_wp.ark",
      "ImageFile": "map_extinction.png",
      "LatShift": 50.0,
      "LatDiv": 6850.0,
      "LonShift": 50.0,
      "LonDiv": 6850.0


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ExtinctionAdded.jpg.919b6d6af603c5d2ff32002ee9feba23.jpg now available to download:


  • Dropdown filters for tame and item search tabs to allow blueprints / cryos etc. to be displayed without all other items/creatures. @MeatShield
  • Added support for ASA Extinction Map.


Donations - https://ko-fi.com/mirageuk

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Thank you Mirage for the Extinction support, that was so quick !

I guess ASV is not compatible with the new save format option described in the patch note ?

Additional Server related params/config options for using a “usestore” save system which combines player profiles, tribe data, and the world save into one single file. Note: This is not new, but not previously documented to our knowledge and what we use on our Official Network.

  • -converttostore (imports the current player and tribe data into the .ark save file)
  • Run with -converttostore -usestore and then the next time you relaunch, you should not need -converttostore as all the data will be integrated.
  • Important to note: .arkprofile & .arktribe files are not automatically deleted after conversion so should be deleted manually if you want to save storage space.
  • -usestore (utilizes a different saving method that stores player and tribe data inside of save files)
  • Important to note: when rolling back save data simply do as normal and all the arkprofile and arktribe data will be in sync with the backup save already.
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@Elgar - not had an example yet.  Feel free to provide one if you have it available and I'll investigate.

Hopefully it's pretty similar to the old ASE embedded save but maybe using a new table or something to hold it in the database.

I've not actually played it yet.  Jumped in on single player, worked out the co-ords, took a screen shot of the map and patched it together for a release.

Edited by MirageUK
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1 hour ago, MirageUK said:

@Elgar - not had an example yet.  Feel free to provide one if you have it available and I'll investigate.

Hopefully it's pretty similar to the old ASE embedded save but maybe using a new table or something to hold it in the database.

I've not actually played it yet.  Jumped in on single player, worked out the co-ords, took a screen shot of the map and patched it together for a release.

Nitrado had the the great idea to force upon us this new save format (confirmed on their discord).

It loads in ASV and it can be read. So far I just noticed that tribe logs are missing in ASV, and player explorer has no achievements, but maybe other data is missing. I send you the file in private message.

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On 12/21/2024 at 11:01 AM, Elgar said:

Thank you Mirage for the Extinction support, that was so quick !

I guess ASV is not compatible with the new save format option described in the patch note ?

Additional Server related params/config options for using a “usestore” save system which combines player profiles, tribe data, and the world save into one single file. Note: This is not new, but not previously documented to our knowledge and what we use on our Official Network.

  • -converttostore (imports the current player and tribe data into the .ark save file)
  • Run with -converttostore -usestore and then the next time you relaunch, you should not need -converttostore as all the data will be integrated.
  • Important to note: .arkprofile & .arktribe files are not automatically deleted after conversion so should be deleted manually if you want to save storage space.
  • -usestore (utilizes a different saving method that stores player and tribe data inside of save files)
  • Important to note: when rolling back save data simply do as normal and all the arkprofile and arktribe data will be in sync with the backup save already.

@MirageUK I changed our cluster to the new save format. ASV runs so far, but the people who using it have to make some changes.

  •  Tribes Export: shows only the tribe data IF the player is currently on this map (this behavior is fine, user of your tool need to create a mapping, for me this works now)
  • Tribe Logs Export: does not longer work, here we need your help :) 


You already got a savegame? If not, feel free to DM me in Discord, i can provide an example if needed.

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@pleinx Yeah I got one - @Elgar provided it.

I've not had chance to fully work it out yet though. 

Found where they are stored - but need to work out what the additional data between each record is and what each of the numbers prior to the start of any .arktribe data are.

.. edit ..

Looks like the same index/data offset lookup data used in the old binary format for ASE. I'll get it coded up and tested this evening.

Edited by MirageUK
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