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Admin / Trusted Player Tool - Game Save Visualiser


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16 minutes ago, MirageUK said:

It already has zoom functionality using the buttons or sliders below the map? But the base maps I have are unfortunately poor quality - 1024x1024.

Ah yeah perfect, don't mind me then, sorry about that. Now it's much better :D And that's alright, the resolution is fine for what I need :)

I didn't see your edit, and I see what you mean and that makes sense. But All Players and All Structures are always available, so would it be possible for those two to stay if they were selected, or wouldn't that work at all?

Edited by Norlinri
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I see what you mean - I will change this in the next release. 

The reason why I had it this way (defaulting to NONE instead of ALL) was due to the way I previously had the map drawing causing a performance hit loading EVERYTHING for all 3 tabs multiple times.  I have since re-worked that so that only the selected tab populates the map data so no reason to default to NONE anymore.  


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  • Added some console / cheat commands to help with server admin of players/tribes/structures (auto-copies to your clipboard with the selected player/tribe/steam id):
    • AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck
    • BanPlayer
    • ClearPlayerInventory
    • DefeatAllBosses 
    • DestroyTribeId 
    • DestroyTribeIdDinos 
    • DestroyTribeIdPlayers 
    • DestroyTribeIdStructures 
    • DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck 
    • GetPlayerIDForSteamID 
    • GetSteamIDForPlayerID 
    • GiveCreativeModeToPlayer 
    • GiveTekengramsTo 
    • KickPlayer 
    • KillPlayer 
    • MaxAscend 
    • TakeTribe 
    • TeleportPlayerIDToMe 
    • TeleportToPlayer 
    • UnbanPlayer 
  • Completed the tamed creature inventory view.
  • Fixed a performance bug with structure exclusions.


  • Tamed creature ancestor browser
  • Player personal tamed creature summary.
  • Server export/import functionality to allow server admins to let trusted players use it for their own tribes views.
  • Work out how to read in Cryo Fridge tame data to add a Cryo Fridge view.
  • Test, test, test, test and test some more.
  • Fix inevitable bugs that come from a tool that was initially thrown together for personal use.
Edited by MirageUK
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  • 3 weeks later...

New update available following testing - and bug finding - by @Norlinri

Based on her feedback the Structures tab will now display tribes/players it can identify from structures instead of the reverse.  This allows you to still select/view structures that might remain AFTER a player and/or tribe has left / uploaded from your server.  

Also fixed a couple of bugs which would crash the app.

Download the latest build from:



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I highly recommend this tool, it's a must-have for server owners. ARK Viewer has made it so much easier for my moderators and I to monitor our servers and keep a clean map.

@MirageUK is an awesome dev who responds quickly to bug reports and suggestions, and releases fixes and new versions regularly. Keep up the good work! ?

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I have re-uploaded and included some debug symbols and a generic error handler since I was unable to reproduce the issue on my own machine.


Can one of you please give it a go and let me know the error details that it reports (if any)?

Thanks in advance

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Thanks @mjfro2 - that does help.  The D drive is where I code and compile it on my on my own machine and is irrelevant - the import part is the "at ARKViewer.frmViewer.LoadData - Line #"

That at least gives me something specific to look at when I finish work this evening.

Furhter update to follow once I fix it.


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I was able to reproduce by deleting my config.json file and reloading a fresh copy.  The error is caused by my lack of checks and assumptions that you have already selected a game save and that the save was loaded successfully.  Obviously a fresh install will ALWAYS be in this state so I have now added further checks to ensure that the game save is loaded before attempting to access any structure information.

New build now available to download @ http://www.miragesoftware.co.uk/ARK/apps/ARKViewer_Preview3.zip

Windows 10 edition should be an interesting test actually - I only have the steam version and so have coded the "Single Player" dropdown selection based off the steam libraries you have configured (checking registry).  Windows 10 - I assume will still work if you know the save file location using the "Offline" option and browse the save file.

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Just a quick update to let you know I'm working on splitting the wild and tamed lists so that you can select tamed by tribe/player as per another good suggestion by @Norlinri




I have already split out the wild creatures and have that working. I just need to finish coding up the tamed tab tonight with a new release for you all to test tomorrow.

Thanks again for your support.

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1 hour ago, MirageUK said:

Just a quick update to let you know I'm working on splitting the wild and tamed lists so that you can select tamed by tribe/player as per another good suggestion by @Norlinri

I have already split out the wild creatures and have that working. I just need to finish coding up the tamed tab tonight with a new release for you all to test tomorrow.

Thanks again for your support.

Can't wait to test this update!


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Newest update is working great! Looking forward to checking out the next one!

I have a couple things for your consideration :) see below:

Possible useful commands on 'Players' tab: 
- 'SetPlayerPos' to so you can teleport to offline players bodies (if possible)
- 'TribeStructureAudit' & 'TribeDinoAudit'

- Can vaults or other containers be shown on the map in the 'structures' tab?
- Could you add rock drakes to the creature tab? I don't see them on my end (we spawn them on ragnarok)

Thanks again for everything @MirageUK 

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Rock drakes should already be displayed if any exist?

I certainly have no restriction on them and have them displayed in both wild and tamed lists on my Aberration server.  I will look at spawning some into a Ragnarok test map to see if they are ignored somehow.

Vaults/Storage Boxes should be included and is a bug that they aren't - I will update in the next release this evening.  I do include them on the player tab if you click on Player Inventory button - you can see all storage for the selected player/tribe.

Additional commands - I can certainly add more appropriate commands so open to suggestions from you guys :)

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Preview 4 now uploaded: http://www.miragesoftware.co.uk/ARK/apps/ARKViewer_Preview4.zip

Bug Fixes:

  • "Selected" marker remained from previous tab when changing to a new tab.
  • Structure list was missing storage based structures: Storage Cupboards, Vaults, Smithy, Chemistry Bench etc.
  • Structure exclusion list was missing storage based structures: Storage Cupboards, Vaults, Smithy, Chemistry Bench etc.
  • Performance issue making multiple un-needed calls to re-populate the Tribe/Player/Dino and Structure lists and re-drawing the map.


  • Seperated Wild and Tamed creatures into their own tabs.  Allowing the tamed tab to provide tribe/player selection.
  • Added "Counts" to each tab list and moved the TOTAL wild label and made the size consistent with other count/total labels.
  • Added new "Player Options" tab in Settings page.  Allowing you to hide any tribes/players from selection with no: Placed Structure(s), Tamed Creature(s), Body Location (Dead/Uploaded)
  • Added 3 new copy commands to the Player tab allowing for: SetPlayerPos, TribeStructureAudit and TribeDinoAudit
  • Added map markers for the cave entrances on Ragnarok.

Work in progress:

  • Improving the accuracy of markers on the drawn map to better match the lat/lon - they're a little off atm but was good enough for what I needed.
  • Removing the player dino view as it is now easy to do in the Tamed Creature tab by filtering to player.
  • Completing the Dino Ancestory views. 
  • Completing some settings features that are currently disabled.
  • Completing the server ftp export/import so users can be given a copy that only allows their own tribe/player views.
  • Working on the underlying toolkit to see if I can get cryo pod tame data.
  • Seperate out the "items" from the "structures" in the item map and allow users to add/edit both.
  • Continue adding as many item/structure map names as I can.
Edited by MirageUK
Link updated, thanks @Elgar
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I just discovered this tool and I'm absolutely amazed and excited ! THANK YOU SO MUCH !

I am a fan of Larkator and I use it every day, but unfortunately the author doesn't support it anymore. We don't even have Valguero as a map (while Larkator is compatible with Valguero ark file, the map displayed is The Island). But above all, your amazing program has much more features ! Congrats !

I am the admin of a little password protected private server (PVE) and once a day, when I stop the server to make a backup and to update it, I share the ark save file on OneDrive with my friends. That way we can look in Larkator where are interesting potential tames, and what are the exact stats of the ones we tamed. I trust my friends and I want them to enjoy the game, that's why I have no problem giving them the Ark save.

Therefore I'm very excited to learn more about this ftp export / import feature you are working on : will there be a way to give my friends a "real-time" access to the save file, while not compromising security by giving them full FTP access ?

Anyway, keep up your great work !

EDIT : I have a 404 server error when I try to download your Preview 4.

EDIT 2 : the 404 error is because of a typo in your link, a missing "r" (Viewe instead of Viewer).

Edited by Elgar
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