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What have you lost in 2019 ARK?


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What have you lost in 2019 ARK?

Hello Community! ?


Like many of you I have played ark on and off (more on than off) and have had some heartbreaking losses. From favorite tames to epic gear I have found some pretty heavy losses whiles playing.

Ark to me is a game of learning to not get too attached to anything in the game as there is always a mega glitch or pack of ravagers you missed that will remind you to never let your guard down when trying to survive!


Here is my most recent loss:

While taking a much needed break from grinding out in aberration I excitedly tuned back in knowing my tames were safely cryo poded and kept an alliance base. While most of my gear was lost to fellow tribe mates (naturally) my dinos were labeled and kept sacred.

Dusted off the old implant and plugged back into the Arks I decided to make my new home somewhere brighter that aberration and set sights to Valguero! Upon entering, I continually died until finally a drop crate arrived and I was happily downloading my pods and gear to build a mini base to safely log off for the night. Finally all set up in a 3x3 stone base I nestled in and figured I'd be safe to pick up the next day and finish off, "G'nite Ark!" I said heavy eyed and sleepily, excited that tomorrow would start the new chapter to my Arkology.?

New day is here, child is tucked in for night, Wife is nose deep in a book and I grinned ear to ear for the excitement of base hunting and building awaited me.

The Ark though had already welcomed me and reminded me too soon how relentless survival can be. Upon spawning in I hear the dread music of having to pick your bed to respawn and or zone. Thankfully I had built a bed to lay on (obviously, who sleeps on the floor right?) Hurriedly I spawn in to see what the heck happened. Hoping I had died recently to retrieve my body and goods right?


I wake to the message "your character was killed by a raptor lvl 30" I frantically look around since all my pods were on my person as I slept and my Rock drake lvl 235 was parked outside! Surely there's no way this could've happened a while ago. But it did... No body... no sack of goods..just my bare naked ass and a rock drake that I thankfully left out of the pod...??

Well, back to the stone pick axe and hatchet, fist to tree and repeat until I restore my former glory.


Still don't know how my body was attacked through a wall and eaten while I slept but it was and thus the rude welcoming of what it means to be a survivor.


What's your greatest loss on Ark been? Have plenty to share but this one topped the rest for me.

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Man that sucks. 

The bugs still get me. Worst recent loss was 2 days ago. As a returning player I didnt have a lot but had some pretty great gear from Alphas and a few good dino's

Breezed through Central cave with my little rat pack. I ride a 205 Tek Raptor and run with 2 100+ Carno's and 2 65+ Barry's. Great little set. Clear the cave and on the way out realise 2 dino's are missing. Jump off my raptor and walk back in to find them. Find a Barry somehow swimming around in the lake. Other dino is totally missing. Ride up the Barry to where I left the other 3 and only 1 carno is left. DILO. Search for hours, try logging in and out - nothing.

Go into ghost mode and sure enough 3 dino's are way down on the water surface. Go down and jump on my raptor, ghost mode bugs and I fall endlessly. I die and lose all my gear and all but 1 dino are now gone.

Ive restarted from scratch :( 


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1 hour ago, Bloodtsunami said:


I have learned this all too often and the misses and I have our own separate chests to empty into before we log out because this has happened to us too many times. 

As for losses this is our first time playing and we started a little before halloween so don't have a lot of great things. But the biggest losses I think was the first ptereadon that I was given and the first couple that I tamed myself (but their legacy lives on through their childrens children) I'm slowly trying to freeze my heart to the pixels of this game but you do so much with specific ones you can't help but get attached to them at some point. 

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7 minutes ago, Bloodtsunami said:

LOL @snowboundgem for the Sanity comment. Been losing that since day 1 with Ark! sorry to hear about your loss though, my condolences. 

@merandoo if you can enter ghost mode you can spawn those dinos back and gear, take the short cut, no one is looking ;)

Sorry brain was apparently set on pity me mode.. I lost the best shotgun blue print I have ever had because my hubby thought it was "just a blueprint" *rage*

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Just recently due to game update issues (time out logging on) I lost a baby 425 base melee giga that starved out.... On the plus side wildcard GM provided me with a replacement giga fully matured, so not too bad after all.. But at the time of the loss I was raging , lol....... At least they made the gesture i guess, so I'm happy enough with that.

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