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Merchants chest



Merchants chest

Doing trades there is no good way to make it safe for both parties. Maybe a vault of some sort with 2 halves. 100 slots per side. Each player adds his/her items to trade. Both parties having a trade button. Both must hit trade button to complete the trade. Then the items transfer sides.  Maybe have the ability to curser over item in other players side to show details. Like details of a dino in a cryopod.

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There have been a few different ideas posted for this to work. Some in a menu, some for market stalls, and others with a more vending machine like style. 

Some suggest both parties must be present, others suggest the seller could set a price and then anyone could purchase the item/cryopodded creature simply by adding the items required to make the purchase. 

Personally I prefer the later. 

A market stall like appearance, it could only hold so many baskets (items), and it would be available to be purchased from even if the seller was not on - much like a vending machine. The upgraded/modern version may then resemble a vending machine.

Doing so in this way would allow for servers that have a collection of individuals who do not always play on the same schedules to trade with each other without the worry of not if they will pay the price that is needed. 

Now this doesn't mean that I do not like your idea. I think it would be a positive step in the right direction. ?

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