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Share your most memorable experiences!


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This is when I with 12 friends went to the cave for rock drakes, took a bunch of sets of armor and protection, everyone sat on their crabs, as a result, only I returned with one friend, the almost dead reached the base... All the armor broke, but we got 3 eggs of level 140, 150 and 95.

The first campaign for rock drake eggs took almost 4 hours, not counting the preparation and collection of resources

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My most memorable experience was prob the first couple of hours i played. I spawned in near one of the beaver lakes on the centre map, there were lots brontos walking around and i just remember thinking how small and weak i was, then a rex rumbled round the corner chasing a parasaur, i poop myself and jumped off a cliff, i didnt die from the fall but then a raptor came out of nowhere and one shot me lol


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