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Is there any possibility of being able to transfer premium items such of collars and cosmetic structures to another server and character you currently use without transferring the survivor it’s self- for example, I use to play on one server and accumulated a good bit of premium items but I haven’t played on that server in almost a year, and instead have Been on a different server for the past year. 

I don’t want to transfer my surviver or anything not that I could because it would be from easy to medium and the transfer Tickets don’t allow that- also I don’t know if transferring to a server you already have a character on will destroy said character and everything else with it. 

But since I no longer play on the old server I would kind of like to have my statues, curtains  and collars I bought on that server instead of buying them again. 

Ofc though I doubt anything like this will be possible because it’s more money for the company to make it impossible to do so it’s a long shot but I figured I’d ask. 

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