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Arthropluera Breaks my Ascendant Sword

So hey wassup guys

So 3 days ago I was out on my new single player medium difficulty level server looking for a high level dire wolf so I can go into the snow cave and tribute the artifact of the strong for a good shotty and compound bow. So for that I needed a soothing balm.

So I decided to go for the cave besides the volcano (since that was the one that I was closest to that was easy) and set out for the artifact on foot. I had ascendant chitin armor on me, a trashy ascendant sword with 250 dps, and ascendant bow, and some other stuff. I had done the cave like at least 20 times already and it was pretty easy for me.

So I battled my way through, got to the artifact, I grabbed it, and went on my way out. As I escaped I encountered 2 arthroplueras. I killed the first with my bow, but the second cornered me in a corner, so I had to go melee with my sword. The arthro spit gunk at me and broke my chestpiece, my helmet, my gauntlets, and the most surprising of all, my sword. Then it 2 shot me, rip me ??.

Now let me tell you this, my sword had over half of its durability, so it was nowhere near breaking. And I hadn't even swung once at the arthro yet. So I for sure didn't break it myself. Most people know that the range attack of an arthro shreds through armor, even when you're on a mount. But does this apply to weapons too?

Like I said, my swords durabilty was over half, and I hadn't even swung once at it yet (caus it wasn't in range of me). None of my other weapons got affected, only my sword. I decided to search all over the wiki, but either I'm blind or there just isn't anything about it there. So I'm using this site as my second option.

Does anyone know what happened? Is it a bug (no pun intended) or do arthros actually break weapons that you're holding with their range attack? This is the first time it has ever happened to me, and I have been hit several times already by arthro gunk and my weapons never suffer any damage.

Thanks! I wish you a great day and have fun playing Ark!


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