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Good day new survivors,

this is your captain speaking.

If you wish to visit the Island, where alphas and veterans have their laggy gigantic breeding bases and half of map including beaches is pillared, please exit the plane on our first stop.

If you wish to visit the dino-remake of Australia named Scorched Earth, where everything is trying to kill you including the weather, bugs are the size of a horse and the map is covered in sand thats coarse and rough and it gets stucked everywhere, please exit the plane on our second stop. 

If you wish to experience what would our life as Europeans become if Russia and America started a nuclear war, feel free to stop at Aberration. Dont touch the pink river, its not made out of melted strawberry ice cream.

If you wish to experience a descend into madness, please visit the Extinction, where managarms hop around like crickets on steroids and you can feel the crippling anxiety slowly moving up your spine: "Will I be the one thats going to be raided on PvE server by luring corrupted gigas today?" There is no better way of wasting your hours on a progress thats going to be wiped in 15 minutes of ORP window. Thrilling!

So, survivor - where do you wish to start your adventure?

Thank you for using our Arklines services!

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