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Looking for tribe members

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Looking for tribe members

Hi so I’ve been thinking about this for awhile now.and still dk If this is the right place to post, but anyyywaayy.

 I’ve been playing ark for over a year now and decided I’d like to finally find some tribe mates.  I’ve had tribe mates before but I get in fights with them and they’ve all been under 13 causing a lot of my Dino’s die. after I kicked out my 13-year-old tribe mates I just haven’t invited any one else in there except for one person I plan on kicking him out because he’s not the smartest 11 year old either.  But I would just like to find someone who is smart and actually can keep a Dino alive for over at least a week or so.I love tickle chickens and I breed them a lot it’s just a lot of my tribe mates have just killed them like their nothing and it hurts because tickle chickens take a lot of time to tame so I’d like to try to find someone who gets on as much as I do as I am in high school and I’m busy so I’d like to try to find someone who gets on and helps me raise babies, feed our dinosaurs and help me build and do stuff.  I have just restarted just a bit ago so I don’t have very many dinosaurs at the moment but I have been raising tickle chickens.  I play on PVE Ragnarok official PS4.  I do have a lot of rules because  I just don’t trust lotta people but I am a girl and I have played many other games and I know you boys like to harass girls on here I’ve been  harassed before so if you do harass me I’m kicking you out like right away sorry for being a Karen. 

I don’t get on here very much so send a message to xroyal_moonx on ps4. IM NOT JOINING TRIBES! I do use mic sometimes I just feel like I’m boring lol I do have personally owned personally riden on, once I trust you I will put it on personally owned tribe ridden.



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