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go to sleep


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go to sleep

so i started playing in the beginning . we would find admins/ testers everywhere . sleeping.  if you went in the wrong place you would get stuck. and die and lose your stuff.

 argys had castles on them. kinda  cool.


no dinos stealing your stuff. no dragons ect.

the devs moved in, we're going to fix this game.

well lets see.

leeds oh my god ... why ?

new tribes.

leeds  no boats for you. alphas get less area to watch.  If attacked the loot fell into the ocean . poor alpha babies had to swim down to get it.

hiding anywhere is out . snow owls, parasours. alphas grab one and carry it around on a bird, it spots you. they kill you.

logging in and out. Everyone can see when you join. why? its just wrong. i can't count how many times i' ve been attacked within 5 minutes of joining a server.

not logging who attacked with somethings but logging other things. poor guys get logged alphas not so much.

alphas give new players stuff... a week later they come collect. you are being farmed like a cow or pig. you never know that the friend who gave you the argy just took everything you worked for , all your work ... gone.

alpha... hey who did it?  you don't  know? i suppose i can give you another one.

log that stuff devs. why let the alphas off? everyone or no one gets logged... simple .

well what were they fixing? the alfa advantage.... no. lets make them more powerful than ever.

Anyway ,it seems like the devs added this and that to counter the previous mistakes they made. they screwed up and fixed nothing.

alphas fear not what starting players deal with. its this if alphas had to be stuck by lightning and killed everytime they took a wyvern out maybe they would think twice.

so what i think is this. the devs make a mistake. they don't fix it. they cover the mistake with more mistakes ect.
always favorable to alphas.

if you poop wipe it away. stop putting perfumes  down your pants to cover the stink.

i quit you. now i join the thousands a day who say no to 12 year old brains developing  a game.




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