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Why is the Griffin HP so pathetic?


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1 hour ago, deedoubleu said:

Pardon, but griffin was op while: not breedable, no saddle, no swimming. I'm not defending one-shotting players and don't even use griffins, but what was the point of nerfing it if they added mana after that which is even more op in everything?

hype. i can't think of any other reason the managarmr was released in the state it was released.

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The amount that they nerfed griffins was absolutely idiotic. But that is typical of how wildcard does their nerfs. A scalpel is never used, only a guillotine.  Here is what they did for those who weren't around at the time:



- Reduced the Griffin's base HP by 30%
- Reduced the Griffin's HP gained per level (wild) by 25%
- Reduced the Griffin's HP gained per level (tamed) by 22%
- Reduce the Griffin's Base stamina by 10%
- Reduced the Griffin's diving swipe damage by 50%
- Reduced the Griffin's dive bomb damage by 25%"


Have any of you tried using a griffin that was anything less than a lvl 135 tame? They are beyond pathetic. I remember a long time ago Wildcard explained that "Fantasy" creatures wont be able to breed. Hmm.... care to explain why managarmr, gachas, velonasaurs, etc can breed?  Wildcard should have made griffins able to breed when they did that nerf to at least partially balance out how worthless they became.

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