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Forest titan spawn


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10 Gigas are convinced to be enough to deal with Forest Titan.

To summon this titan, you need to go down into the Crater Forest, find the Forest Cave at the north end of the underground forest, reach the terminal inside it and summon it just like you summon bosses on The Island or Scorched Earth.

Forest Titan will spawn on a flat ground near to the buried Blue Obelisk. You may leave most of your Gigas there and head into the cave with your most reliable mount. Once you made it on the terminal, you will be teleported out to the flat ground used for fighting. This teleportation doesn't have a weight limit, you may use Giga to murder the entire cave just fine.

To summon Forest Titan, you need:

  • 10 Sauropod Bone (From Bronto and Diplodocus)
  • 10 Rex Arm (From Rex)
  • 100 Corrupt Heat (From Corrupted: Paracer, Spino, Rex, Giga, Wyvern and Reaper)
  • Artifact of Growth (Can be found in the Forest Cave, on the way to the terminal)

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