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No DodoRex on Val for Fear 3?


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No DodoRex on Val for Fear 3?

The entire server i am on was super excited for Fear 3 and were met with the overpopulation of Raptors and Fire wyverns which was a bummer. But that is being fixed.


Now as we excitedly await a blood moon and dodorex..we are realizing it is not coming.


Is there no Dodorex on Val? and if so total bummer guys. :(

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3 hours ago, Nemesis817 said:

What about the zombie dodos and jerboas ? Do we even gwt those on Val ?  I have not seen 1 bone dino or over grown pumpkin patches or graveyards ?

Pumpkin, tombstones and scarecrows you have to sit still for a minute for them to pop up. Try along the beaches. Kill a bunch of Dino’s and the skeleton ones will appear. 

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3 hours ago, Novawiz00 said:

Do you know why? It just seems silly to have an event and limit where stuff spawns. 

If the map has wyverns, it should get DodoWyvern. DodoRex should spawn on every map. 

Exactly. My entire server got ready for the Dodo Rex and DodoWyvern. Really just a huge let down on that aspect.


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