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Fear Evolved 3


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On 10/22/2019 at 3:41 PM, Cedric said:

You wanted Fear Evolved right?  Kidding, this will be fixed in an upcoming hotfix.  Most likely some time tomorrow.

So theres abit of a problem on ps4 where sometimes the game freezes on the menu


And by sometimes I mean anytime I try starting the game


Also completely off topic but you guys should work on the procedurally generated maps mode, it would create massive variety that would let everyone have the ability to make their own maps and would keep alot of people around which in turn would only be good for both your team and us as players in the long run.


It would keep ALOT of people around if they could: 

1.Choose which creatures they wanted or didn't want in the map. (Ex. everyone hates pegos so the option to remove them from our maps would be very nice)

2.Set up their own custom boss fights by choosing which arena and which boss to use (megapithecus broodmother and dragon with their arenas and the manticore but without the arena and maybe the mod arenas as well) and obviously instead of artifacts we could just use trophies used from killing certain creatures such as argentavis claws and etc.

3.And finally if there was a mini map in the generation options menu to show what were changing would help alot since most of the time its guess work.


I think we should have access to DLC creatures used in mods such as wyverns and karkinos however I think if players have bought a expansion pack with exclusive creatures (titans or reapers for example) then it should be locked to single player so it doesn't interfere with the expansion packs sales.

Edited by Scribelord
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1 hour ago, jtbn said:

am I crazy or are the purple dinoes really hard to find? 

ur not crazy. i spent 6+ hours every day since event started looking for them and i found only few REGIONS. 

absolute trash event, there is 15 shades of brown and orange colors. purple has no chance to battle out normal colors and all that brown and orange garbage. 

not to mention rest of the event. if lucky by the end of the event i will maybe collect 20 scarecrows to be able to craft ONE emote. halloween air supplies not on extinction, dodowyvern and dodorex not on extinction either.

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On 10/10/2019 at 13:02, WarDrumJordan said:


A partir da próxima semana, na segunda-feira, 14 de outubro, começaremos a eliminar alguns servidores de baixa população para abrir espaço para novos Servidores Oficiais e alguns Servidores de Eventos por tempo limitado que planejamos para o futuro. As fases de saída do servidor não são algo que gostamos de fazer com frequência, mas são necessárias periodicamente para manter uma quantidade adequada de servidores para a população de jogadores.

Uma vez iniciado o processo de eliminação gradual, os jogadores terão 7 dias para transferir esses servidores. Nenhum jogador novo poderá ingressar nesses servidores, e todos os jogadores existentes terão acesso a um Ticket de Transferência de Servidor Gratuito na loja do jogo. O Free Server Transfer Ticket permite um reavivamento gratuito de cada um dos seus implantes mansos e também foi ajustado para permitir que seu saldo do Eery Element venha com você (* Você não verá o Eery Element listado na interface do usuário do Server Transfer Ticket, mas virá com você desde que esteja em seu inventário quando você fizer o upload do ticket).

Após a conclusão do processo de eliminação gradual, os novos servidores listados abaixo serão colocados online. Estaremos organizando um evento especial de Sobrevivência com 4x Harvesting no fim de semana de 18 de outubro para ajudar os jogadores em transição a se estabelecerem em novos servidores.

Lembre-se de que, ao transferir para fora de um desses servidores, certifique-se de que a criatura que você decide trazer é de mansos de propriedade pessoal . Quaisquer implantes de criaturas que não sejam de propriedade pessoal reviverão como selvagens e incorrerão no custo padrão de reavivamento do Amber. Você deve reviver um implante de criatura de propriedade pessoal no novo servidor para evitar o custo de revitalização e manter seu status doméstico. Toda a FAQ de tíquete de transferência de servidor pode ser encontrada aqui .

NOVOS SERVIDORES (23 de outubro):
Eastern Plains (PvP- Médio - NA) * Pequenas Tribos
Eastern Plains (PvP- Médio - UE) * Pequenas Tribos
Grand Hills (PvXc - Brutal - NA)
Grand Hills (PvXc - Brutal - UE)
Grand Hills (PvXc - Brutal - AS)
Lago oculto (PvE- Médio - NA)
Lago oculto (PvE- médio - AS)
Ilhas de gelo (PvXc - médio - NA)
Ilhas de gelo (PvXc - médio - AS)
Passe de contrabandista (PvP- Fácil - NA) * Tribos pequenas, passe primordial apenas passe de
contrabandista (PvP- Easy - UE)* Tribos pequenas, apenas o passe primordial Passe do
contrabandista ( PvP - Fácil - AS) * Tribos pequenas, o passe primordial apenas
o recife ( PvE - rígido - NA)
Trike (PvXc - Médio - NA) * Primal apenas o tempo
Weathertop (PvXc - fácil - NA)
Weathertop (PvXc - Easy - EU)
Weathertop (PvXc - Easy - AS)
Woolly (PvXc - Hard - EU)
Woolly (PvXc - Hard - AS)

Âmbar (PvE- Médio - AS)
Antigo (PvE- Duro - NA)
Behemoth (PvP- Hard - NA)
Behemoth (PvP- Hard - AS)
Ilha de Carno (PvP- Médio - NA)
Carvão (PvP- Fácil - NA)
Compy (PvP- Fácil - AS)
Ilha Morta (PvP- Duro - NA)
Ilha Morta (PvP- Duro - UE)
Devorador (PvP- Fácil - UE)
Iluminação (PvP- Médio) NA)
Pico de Far (PvE- Médio - AS)
Flak ( PvP - Médio - NA)
Presas Congeladas ( PvP - Duro - NA)
Ghillie ( PvP - Médio - AS)
Estufa ( PvP - Médio - NA)
Pólvora ( PvP - Médio - NA)
Helena ( PvE - Médio - NA)
Colmeia ( PvP - Duro - NA)
Colmeia ( PvP - Duro - UE)
Lobos Uivantes ( PvP - Médio - AS)
Rei da Colina ( PvP - Duro - NA)
Rei da Colina ( PvP - Duro - UE )
Rei da Colina ( PvP- Hard - AS)
Knock Out ( PvP - Médio - NA)
Knock Out ( PvP - Médio - AS)
Mamute ( PvE - Hard - NA)
Maciço ( PvE - Médio - UE)
Mindwipe ( PvP - Easy - AS)
Cogumelo ( PvP - Médio - NA)
Cogumelo ( PvP - Médio - AS)
Nova Legião ( PvP - Médio - NA)
Planícies do norte ( PvE - Fácil - NA)
Noroeste oco ( PvE - Médio - NA)
Pilão ( PvP - Médio - UE)
Veneno ( PvP- Médio - NA)
Predador II ( PvP - Médio - NA)
Raptor ( PvP - Médio - NA)
Motim (PvX - Brutal - NA)
Motim (PvX - Brutal - UE)
Sabertooth ( PvP - Médio - NA)
Escudo ( PvP - Médio - NA)
Selva Meridional ( PvE - Fácil - UE)
Espécime ( PvE - Médio - NA)
Fome ( PvP - Médio - NA)
Substrato ( PvE - Fácil - NA)
Sufocado ( PvP - Fácil - UE)
Swamp Cave ( PvP - Fácil - NA)
A Mandíbula ( PvP- Médio - NA)
A Mandíbula ( PvP - Média - AS)
Tranquiliza ( PvP - Média - AS)
Tripwire ( PvP - Média - UE)
Tiranossauro ( PvP - Difícil - AS)
Costa Oeste ( PvE - Fácil - NA)
Boca do inverno ( PvE - Difícil - UE)

Eu queria um server

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I will say this much about the event. It's really fun and cool but if you guys are gonna do these piles to collect from, do what you guys did in the arkology event. Have more than one in the piles. As a very casual player who doesn't have time to really grind to get these piles, it would be nice if there was more than one in there. Especially if a glitch like the one in this event happen, it would make it easier to get the holiday items. So maybe in future events, this would be a nice touch if you guys do these piles again.

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8 minutes ago, tarnxox said:

i cant see the dodorex moon but i always see the meteors, i also get the message that the dodorex is near but cant find it anywhere, im on xbox btw 

can someone help????? 

I am on xbox, playing singleplayer, I don't have the moon but get everything else. When dodorex spawns it can be anywhere on the map, luckily for me he doesn't despawn in the morning, so I just fly around the map until I hear the music or see him (whichever happens first).

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44 minutes ago, WarpSpasm said:

I am on xbox, playing singleplayer, I don't have the moon but get everything else. When dodorex spawns it can be anywhere on the map, luckily for me he doesn't despawn in the morning, so I just fly around the map until I hear the music or see him (whichever happens first).

okay thank you, also have you seen any skeletal dinos? i cant find any anywhere 

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12 minutes ago, tarnxox said:

have you seen any skeletal dinos?

They have just started spawning in my game today, the alpha dinos now spawn as skeletal versions. I haven't seen any skeletal herbivores though. If you kill all the alphas you see they should start to spawn in. Or if you are on singleplayer you could use the admin command to wipe all wild dinos.

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1 hour ago, WarpSpasm said:

They have just started spawning in my game today, the alpha dinos now spawn as skeletal versions. I haven't seen any skeletal herbivores though. If you kill all the alphas you see they should start to spawn in. Or if you are on singleplayer you could use the admin command to wipe all wild dinos.

yeah i am on single player so ill try that, how long do they take to spawn in again ?

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52 minutes ago, WarpSpasm said:

If you dino wipe it's pretty instant. I would fly to herbie island and enter the command then fly back to the mainland, as the map loads in the new dinos will start loading in aswell.

ill do that now, sorry to annoy you, just another question when the message comes up with saying the "dodorex is here" is it the area the message comes up in or could the dodorex be anywhere on the island? cause im still having no luck finding it 

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