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Essential Improvements


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Essential Improvements

When huge game titles like Call of Duty are released they can be plagued with connection issues, lag and frame rate problems.

The first thing that happens is a community wide out cry followed by the developers responding and correcting the issues, wholly or in most part as is technically possible.


Wild Card continues to focus on new content, while current content is lacking to say the least, the game DOES NOT WORK as intended. A day doesn't pass without a disconnection or huge lag spikes, the place is rife with duplicated items and meshing is prevalent.


My suggestion is this... put every single developer on the task of fixing the game, start with the lag and connection issues, then the meshing and finally wipe the whole place back to day 1 to eradicate the duping frenzy.


I'm assuming the connection issues are hardware based, upgrade to the best servers you can afford. 


Meshing, I have no answers, maybe the second a player is outside the map, they instantly die or a similar effect to being outside the confines of extinction.


And duping, the only way to solve this is a reset. Unless Wild Card can figure a work around, but for now, start with making the game playable.


Or... the community need to organise, plan a strike/boycott. Watch the response when they have zero players one weekend. That's the only way to get their attention. 

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