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Therizinosaurus better than Rex?


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Therizinosaurus better than Rex?

Im now playing Ark Mobile for a while, but im not sure about if Therizino is better than Rex. To let you know: My fav dino is Therizinosaurus, but ive always used rex for farming hide and dealing damage. Since i have god console in single player i know that therizinosauruses are better than rexes when they are high lvl (lvl 500 +). and of course therizinosaurus is farming beast! :) and the saddle is avaible at lvl 69, and rexs saddle at 74. hmmm

so what do you think is better?

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If we are talking about usefulness and not just fun factors ect, theri is far more useful. For some baffling reason, wardrum did not add the boss fights from PC/Console Ark that are a major part of the game and getting Tek Engrams. This is where Rex's shine. Boss fights. Which don't exist in Ark mobile. Theri gets tons of flowers, fiber, wood, meat, hide as I'm sure you know.

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