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Dracorex is the next coming dossier. Yes I am fully aware that it is no longer a real animal. (stygimoloch and dracorex are juvenile pachycephalosaurs) However I have already written a dossier for nanotyrannus (apparently is just a juvenile tyrannosaurus) and you know...these are fictional animals I'm writing about sooooo I'm just gonna combine stygimoloch and dracorex into a scary, omnivorous FICTIONAL dinosaur to please the draco and stygi lovers. It will be somewhat similar to the dracorex in primeval but that might change.

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1 minute ago, DaEndGame said:

I have already seen the "rough illustration" and I like it.

And I definately plan on using this. I have been trying to find a viable creature for an event that will be happening in chapter 6 or 7,  and this fits the bill.

Thank you! I intend to have a few more golems after all of this

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Name: dracorex
Species: Dracorex pascebavenator 

A very dragon like dinosaur this species of dracorex is actually an omnivorous dinosaur that will attack any animal they deem as an opposer. Standing over an average human, these guys will bite your head and drag you around if you get too close. 

Known information: 
Most people mistake this animal being an aggressive killer with the thirst for human flesh. Turns out they're just as afraid. Too many survivors have mistaken them as monsters and have killed them on sight. Because of this, they use their foot talons, horns and teeth to attack any human on sight just to say their own skin and family. 

Dracorexes refuse to let us go near them. They will either attack, scare or kill you and then run away with you as their next meal. Only a carefully nurtured dracorex will be your ally. Their fiery aggressiveness and agenda against humans, they can decimate small hunting parties with no hesitation. Their spikey cranial can pierce through soldier's chests and chuck them away. Their foot talons can disembowel any unlucky sod that crosses them. Be warned however, as scary as they are, they will turn on their riders as soon as they inflict damage onto them!

Tier: small
Damage: high
Health: high
Speed: moderate
Stam: high
Weight: moderate

Unique tame: absolutely. You must encounter one with no weapons or anything it would deem threatening. Just food (meat mainly) and a very sweet attitude. Very slowly movements and you must stay low. It may nudge you and possibly harm you. Just stay calm and let it push you around. Once it's done, it's safe to feed them (SLOWLY). A bond will slowly form between the two of you. 
If it was an injured dracorex, it's even easier. You have to have no weapons and simply heal its wounds and feed it. Once it's healed, it will respect you. 

Unique saddle: more spikes around the head to make it armour piercing....it's scary enough it doesn't need armour lol

Authors notes: loved the primeval dracorex (despite it being extremely innaccurate) it's sad to see that both it and stygimoloch aren't real dinosaurs anymore....well they are. Just young pachycephalosaurs. 

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Name: Ghost dragon
Species: spiritus draconis

A close cousin of the Talmerian false dragon, the spiritus draconis is a very rare sight as very as a very dangerous animal just like its cousin. Unlike the dark banshee, this creature of the night is bright in colouring, and has a very terrifying presence. It is also reported to have two forms just like the banshee. While the banshee can manipulate people's minds, the ghost dragon can destroy people's minds as well as their lives with their paranormal ways. 

Known information: 
The reason why they call this dragon 'the ghost dragon' is because of its habits and what it does to humans when it sees them. They can pass through walls, go complete unseen, travel through 'the dream', move objects with their minds and even possess humans and objects. Yep, they can completely take over a certain persons body whenever they wish just to terrify people. Their very scream can make being either turn in fear or even freeze over and die. Their secondary form has been told to give humans never ending nightmares once one sees it with their eyes. God only knows what it can do in its secondary form...

A tamed ghost dragon should be treasured. It's a very rare animal and it should be treated with care, even if they are already dead. Another very useful night raid mount. These animals can turn a battle into a field of terrified or frozen warriors. They can even posses human or animals and turn against their own side. I've seen some snatch people and teleport to 'the dream'; and I'm sure we all know that they will never survive. Be warned however, you cannot ride these animals until you are a hybrid of the 3 main creatures of the night. Simply being in contact with these creatures for too long will result in your death!!

Tier: medium
Weight: low
Damage: high
Speed: fast
Health: it's moderate but this is important. It's already dead. Killing it will simply make it go poof and it will pop up somewhere else completely wild. 
Stam: moderate 

Unique tame: a rare occasion. But highly dangerous. First you must travel through 'the dream'. It is the cruel dimension full of death and is the only place where you can come into contact with a ghost dragon for a long period of time without dying. The dragon must be chained up with terrachyte in order for it to not use its abilities. Remember that not one person has come out of the Dream alive. The only people that did return had completely mushy brains!

Unique saddle: in order to ride this beast. You must first have the 3 main creature of the night curses. Once you have all 3, you can ride these beasts without an issue. As of right now, there is no unique saddle as a bulky saddle full of tools will make it visible when it hides itself from the human eye. Perhaps if we find enough ghost dragons and uncover their skills in becoming completely invisible, we might not only create a unique saddle, but also create advanced tech. 

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Just like to make a little comment on both here and on my other page about an issue that I have been informed about. Today I got a private message from a friend of mine who is also a fan fic writer here (will not say names) and was verbally attacked by an anonymous person on their email (so this did not occur on the forums) The person said that they were a supporter of mine and continuously said that my friends work was "unoriginal" and "uncreative." It says a bit more verbal stuff but I'd like to leave it like that. I for one would like to request everyone of my supporters that they please stop this. This is not a competition of who's the best writer on the forums and who has the most views. We are simply here to entertain readers with our own imaginations. Please do not take this as a complaint. I think that we can all agree that us writers really appreciate you guys. But please do not attack other writers. Some of us can handle tough criticism like my friend and I, but some others can't handle it at all. If the person who spoke to my friend is reading this, I would like to privately talk to you for a bit. Don't think I'm gonna yell at you or hate you. I'll simply ask you some questions and if I'm lucky, I'll try see if I can get this resolved. 


My friend that shall not be named is completely fine. I just wanted to address this so this doesn't happen again as well as find out who said it.

- Kaprodonychus

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  • 1 month later...

Name: World Eaters
Species: Serpentes devorantis

Always varying in sizes, Serpentes devorantis is known for creating large holes and tunnels underground. The smaller ones generally stay underground in caves to hunt for food whereas the larger ones stay in the desert and sandy regions, where they can be invisible and untraceable when burrowing in the sand. I've even seen them cooperate with death worms when hunting! 

Known information: 
World eaters are known for only one thing...and that's eating the world. These serpents with their large mouths can shape out large and endless cave systems throughout this continent we now call the Ark. From eating through all of the soil, minerals and rock, they have to defecate every once in a while. When they do however, they produce very special minerals known as terrachyte. A very valuable mineral used for advanced tools. This mineral can also be used to enslave creatures of the night!

World Eaters are very hard to come by. They generally isolate themselves because of their lack of osteoderms to protect them from beasts as well as their lack of eyesight. A World Eater will rely on the vibrations in the ground to detect where things are most of the time. Since they like to be by themselves, finding one is a difficult process, but taming one is even more so of a challenge. Once tamed, you are rewarded of a very traversal animal depending on their size. Their eating habits can help create large and amazing tunnel systems underneath the world. You can even have a small team of excavators to collect and harvest the rare minerals from their poop. Don't forget that some World Eaters are large enough to devour Gigas! A fast and deadly creature, but not an overly far sighted or tanky predator. 

Tier: large
Health: moderate
Damage: high
Speed: low (fast underground) 
Weight: high
Stam: moderate

Unique tame: requires sonar to bring one up to the surface. Then theirs 'screamers'. Which are enhanced sonars/whistles which emit high frequency noises only certain animals can hear (in this case, world Eaters.) this will make it so irritated it won't be able to move as much, giving you time to gas it with narcotics. Feed it prime and metal only. 

Unique saddle: the saw.
Has metal osteoderms around the World Eaters body. One slight thing however. The osteoderms are saws. Passively cuts through flesh, heavy bleeding. 

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Another day, another dossier. Something legendary today 

Name: The Kraken
Species: THE kraken (haha funny me) teuthida immanis

It is unknown teuthida immanis is a boss or not...but it is a powerful and magnificent beast. Larger than the titanosaurus when swimming and standing upright on land, this beast is essentially 3 creatures in one. Monsterous squid in the deep, a sly octopus by the reefs, and a devouring Titan by land. 

Known information: 
The kraken acts and hunts differently in its 3 different modes. In its 'squid mode', it uses its tentacles to slowly drain blood and eat the flesh of their skin like the giant humboldt squid. In the 'octopus mode', the kraken uses its secondary mouth between its tentacles to crush armoured fish and eating anything at the surface of the ground. Using its 'Titan mode', the kraken can traverse onto land using its tentacles as well as scale up structures and mountains. In this one, it can use its powerful hands and primary mouth to attack and destroy structures. It can also use its secondary mouth to eat anything on the ground as well as devour any animal that goes underneath it.  It's also been stated that they can give birth to smaller kraken that are just larger that humans; designed to ambush smaller creatures in lakes and drowning them. 

This calamity has been wanted by The Trawlers Tribe for quite some time now. I couldn't agree more with them. This creature is a powerhouse. All it needs is to eat constantly...but we all know that it eats the smallest of grubs or mould. This creature can come to shore and destroy entire villages with just a couple of swipes. Or destroy entire naval armies and ships. When it's not in battle, it can passively eat the mould off your structures and buildings. If you wanted to, you can have its children wonder around your base, cleaning your base but eating all the grubs and moss on your structures or hide in water areas, ambushing and killing anything aggressive. The kraken needs little management, however once its owner dies, it becomes wild again and crawls back into the ocean.

Tier: large
Health: high (armor is moderate)
Damage: high (bleed is high) 
Speed: high in water. Low on land
Stam: moderate
Weight: high (very bad are storing foods. Will eat it very quickly)

Unique tame: only one has ever been tamed; and it was by luck. The kraken got itself trapped under a falling rock formation underwater. They finally tamed it by constantly feeding it while other tribe members moved the rocks out of the way. 

Unique saddle: there's not much of a unique saddle since survivors are unsure where to even put a normal saddle on it. With the 3 different modes, it's quite difficult to find a good place to comfortably sit. And ride. 

Authors notes: I wanted to do a kraken dossier for a while. However I wanted to try and please everyone since people have different beliefs on what the kraken should (or does) look like. Either the giant octopus like the one from pirates of the Caribbean, the giant squid, or the kraken from clash of the Titans. So what did I do? I mixed the 3. Please don't hate me. 

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Name: Ampelo
Species: Ampelosaurus securiparere

The ampelosaurus is just a tad smaller than the everyday brontosaurus. Some mistake it as younger and slimmer titanosaurs from the spikes on their back. Yes they do look similar but unlike titanosaurus, ampelosaurus uses its unusual spikes as a weapon. 

Known information: 
Ampelosaurus isn't an aggressive herbivore nor a territorial one. It tends to stay with a few others and wander around, eating anything they fancy. When a predator or aggressive animal comes by, they are ready to use their tail as a spike club or jagged blade, cutting through the skin of even the toughest of hides. Ampelosaurs rarely leave any survivors alive...

A powerful and fast battle sauropod, ampelosaurs are great at fending off any animal. Once tamed, they give off animal calls to other tamed dinos, giving them a buff and an urge to make sure that no one survives the battle. Ampelosaurs are also great farmer animals. Their tail can be use as a ho to plow through fields with ease.  Their bony spikes can also be harvested to create extremely sharp weapons if harvested with the correct tools...if you call certain animals 'tools'....

Tier: large
Damage: high (bleed is moderate)
Health: high (armour is high)
Speed: moderate
Stam: moderate
Weight: high

Unique saddle: no platform. Blades on the sides of its body, and more sharpe spikes along its back. Blades on tail benefit in farming as well as combat. A mid-sized hut is in the centre for survivors to sit and relax in or shoot from. 

Unique tame: direct cannon ball to the head. Only one shot tho. If you miss the mark, the small herd will charge you. 

Authors notes: yes I did hint of another animal being used as a tool. How cruel of me. 

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Name: royal crowned leviathan 
Species: coronatus serpentis regium 

There are quite a few differences between a crowned and a royal crowned leviathan. First off, the royal crowned leviathan is a massive calamity that only some sea creatures such as the Kraken can outsize it. The royal crowend has less fins and is more armour-plated. Much like the normal crowned leviathan, it has a bioluminescent colouring and will change depending on what element they're using at the time. They're darker in colour and posses more weaponry and have longer spikes and plates.

Known information: 
Like their smaller counterparts, they can bury and 'swim' underground as well as breathe out any type of element they wish. What the Royal Crowned can do that normal crowns cannot do is use their elements in other ways to defeat their enemies. For example, using the lightning element, they can use it to create an electrical force so powerful that it can shut down all electrical systems in the radius for about 10 minutes or less. A powerful and close blast close to a generator can even cause it to burn up and destroy itself. And for poison/ acid element, it can either create a type of slim that secretes off their body to burn victims or they can create a gas to intoxicate animals within the radius. With these many options, it is uncertain by what this beast can do. They're fairly long animals too, so they can be pretty quick on their feet to dodge attacks. If necessary, they can Slide around into a perfect 180 degree angle on the spot. 

Tracking one of these is a fairly easy task to do because of their bioluminescent skin; however taming a royal crowned is a difficult task. Generally, one royal crowned will have 2-5 normal crowned leviathan following it all the time. It's going to take a few tusoteuthis to take on this Tyrant. Once tamed, you can essentially claim the entire sea since you have no enemies besides other leviathans and krakens. If you're reading this, then you've successfully tamed the number one tactical and most handy battle mount in the entire ocean. They also have a 'royalty bonus'. So both it and its typical crowned followers will all recieve a health and attack bonus. A powerful and yet very swift sea monster in your hands, but be careful; even the strongest animals can have a temper tantrum when hungry!

Tier: large
Health: high (Amour is high)
Damage: high (breath is high)
Speed: moderate on land. High underground and in water
Stam: moderate
Weight: high 

Unique tame: same as the typical crowned leviathan. Except the royal crowned is guarded by typical crowns so you have to kill them off (if you want) and lure it to the surface. Requires more equipment in order to take the beast down because of its new element abilities.

Unique saddle: I'll need to polish up my concept for it before I start thinking of saddles. 

Authors notes: I know that the royal crowned leviathan was already mentioned and given stats in the typical crown's dossier but I thought it wasn't right to have a 'two in one' dossier. Also I have changed some things up for the royal crowned in terms of stats. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Achillo
Species: Achillobator dominipugna

Achillobator dominipugna is another member of the large raptor family. Unlike most other raptors on the Ark, the Achillobator has no feathers. Instead, it has quills and small tiny osteoderms. Achillobator lives in the deep forests where it preys on mid sized animals and smaller...including other raptors!

Known information: 
Achillobator has a lot of competition when it comes to food and hunting. Carnotaurs, dilophosaurs and other raptors can be a bit of a challenge. Because of this, Achillobators have stepped up to the challenge by being so smart they can 'disarm' predator's main weapons, cripple and even use them as a trap to bait others in. An Achillobator's sickle claw is extremely sharp; it's so sharp it can sever fingers, toes and possibly bigger body parts with ease. They attack their prey in packs and use their claws to slice off their main weaponry such as their horns or their claws. Then they'll slice up other areas and use them as a trap so they can bait other larger animals into the area. Then the process will begin again. 

Achillobator dominipugna is a great small predator for your animal army. Their lack of feathers makes them less of an eye sore compared to other raptors and help them blend in more with the environment. Their razor sharp sickle claws can be used to slice off animal weaponry with ease. You can easily cripple humans and animals and if you want, bait in humans so they can be killed too or lure in large predators so they can finish the job for you. Despite their ability to counter animal attacks, they cannot or haven't been able to counter human weaponry such as guns and tanks. 

Tier: medium
Damage: high
Health: moderate
Speed: high
Stam: moderate
Weight: low
Rideable: yes
Tameable: yes

Unique tame: similar to the Troodons respect system, however it doesn't require food. You simply have to confront one (or more if you're brave enough. However more can overwhelm you) and hold your ground. Don't show fear or hesitation, but repsect their power. Always keep your arms out and once you think the time is right (when the raptors have calmed), slowly go down on your knees and bow very slowly. The raptor will confront you and check you out and sniff you. Then it'll decide if you're a worthy companion. If yes, then congrats. If no, then you die...yeah

Unique saddle: Achillobators like their freedom. So they have no saddle by default. However they're harder to control and it's difficult to stay on. They aren't a fan of saddles since it slows them down. They'll only accept to wear a light saddle with little straps and armour. Spiked blades around the claws, sickle claw and tail are welcomed for disarming and countering attacks. 

Authors notes: yeah another raptor. I think my last raptor will be dakotaraptor (may change that) and then I'll continue on with more fictional dinosaurs, monsters and try to get some more herbs and insects in. 

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So for those who do not know or haven't seen the latest crunch. I have gotten Xbrush and have already started modelling a praedirusuchus noctis. You can see the two pics on my steam account as well (closer buddies of mine get to see more) but I have accomplished more with it. In a month or two, the model should be completed unless I have something else taking my time like school (which is gonna start for me next week). I have no experience with animating or modding either so it'll be interesting to see how it goes. The model is looking good so far and I really don't want to give up on it. If I get the creature all done and start a mod, it will be called A.R.O: The Continent's Vermin. It should host more than 30-50 creatures in the end and I will start added custom weapons, armour, gear and other useful and handy stuff. The models won't be redlined creatures either. They will have their own animations and hopefully their own mechanics that I've mentioned in their dossiers 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Sea Spiral Hydra
Species: factus serpens

 The Sea Spiral Hydra is a wyvern sized oceanic hydra that hunts fishermen boats. This hydra is one of the only creatures smart enough to attack boats not only for the humans and the thrill of destroying boats, but to mainly steal their fishing cargo and eat it all for themselves. They usually have 5 heads 5 and grow 2 back if they lose on like usual. However they also grow a new tail as well. They have the same amount of heads as they do with tails. That's because of their hunting tactic

Known information: 
The Sea Spiral Hydra lacks arms and legs. It only has its 2 sharp wings with an extra thick membrane covered in spikes that hang there. What they do is they burst out of the water when a boat is nearby. They then spray a blue explosive acid all over the ship and then they use their extra long membrane and their many sharp and spikey tails to slash and cut anything in the area while the hydra performs a long spin. It is called 'the cyclone'. Their cyclone attack can even conjure up hurricanes and water spouts to destroy ships and toss things around. Once the damage had been done, they then eat the food and swim back into the depths.

You're gonna need to big fishing rod to catch this guy. The Sea Spiral Hydra is an extremely traversal creature. It is granted the ability to go in the air, on the ground and one the water. However it is slowly on land. They're mainly tamed as boat raiders, using their explosive acid and cyclone attack to destroy everything and take what they need. Just don't have it bite you or have its mouth in contact with any of your stuff, it will blow it up with its acid! 

Tier: large
Damage: high
Speed: high in air, high in water, medium on land
Health: moderate
Stam: high
Weight: moderate. 

Unique tame: 
Trick it with its own hunting method. Convince it that there's a bunch of fish in your net. Little does it know that there's a cannon the top of the boy fully loaded. When it flies out of the water and gets on your level....FIRE. Should take one cannon ball. May require 2. Feed only the middle head 

Unique saddle: 
Releasable spines: the wing membrane and tails can extra metal spikes and spines that can be flung out during the cyclone. The spikes can be coated in any type of venom or poison you wish! 

Authors notes: 
Noctis: hey I got an idea
Me: what?
Noctis: do your story
Me: go away *hiss*
Satantho: yeah leave him alone. Now since I'm on your side, can you model me some more?
Me: I can't! I'm going to a funeral remember? I don't have Zbrush with me
Brachiosaurus: noctis is right you know
Me: shut up you look like a damn noodle right now
Noctis: She can dream Kapro

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Name: Dorudon
Species: Dorudon tormentaquam

Wild: Larger than the itchy, the Dorudon is a fast and a neutral mammal that swims in small pods of 3 to 5. They are usually spotted on the surface of the water near beaches and coves. They love to jump out of the water and play with other animals, however one step too far can cause yourself to get severely injured. 

Known information: 
Dorudon has a short temper; if you get too close to them, they will want to play with you, if you ignore them however, they will get annoyed and follow you, eventually they will start to bite and drag you around underwater. If you're not careful, you will drown. They can even get a bit 'pushy'; sucking up a bunch of water and pushing it all out of their blowhole with immense force, underwater and above water. 

Dorudon should be a fairly easy tame...if they're alone of course. A group of them together starts to be a little tricky. They all want food. If you run out of food before ALL of them are tamed....then you're in trouble. Once tamed, the dorudon is a small and fast battle mount. Like the basilosaurus, Dorudon has the pod mentality where their pod can be summoned aid you in the battlefield. The unique thing about the dorudon is it's blowhole abilities. They can suck up a bunch of water and shoot it all at a specific animal. It will cause a severe knockback and disorientate the animal, even knocking the rider right off the saddle and occasionally knocking them out. However only dorudon riders with precise aiming can perform these. 

Tier: medium
Health: moderate
Speed: high
Damage: moderate
Weight: moderate
Stam: high

Unique tame: passive tame. However if more approach you, you have to feed them too. So essentially you might have to tame the whole pod otherwise they'll attack you. 

Unique saddle: was thinking of  giving it a light two seater saddle. Giving it a nice but logical rotation ability for the second rider. 

Authors notes: some of these ideas are really old but still pretty nice ones IMO. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Dorudon
Species: Dorudon tormentaquam

Wild: Larger than the itchy, the Dorudon is a fast and a neutral mammal that swims in small pods of 3 to 5. They are usually spotted on the surface of the water near beaches and coves. They love to jump out of the water and play with other animals, however one step too far can cause yourself to get severely injured. 

Known information: 
Dorudon has a short temper; if you get too close to them, they will want to play with you, if you ignore them however, they will get annoyed and follow you, eventually they will start to bite and drag you around underwater. If you're not careful, you will drown. They can even get a bit 'pushy'; sucking up a bunch of water and pushing it all out of their blowhole with immense force, underwater and above water. 

Dorudon should be a fairly easy tame...if they're alone of course. A group of them together starts to be a little tricky. They all want food. If you run out of food before ALL of them are tamed....then you're in trouble. Once tamed, the dorudon is a small and fast battle mount. Like the basilosaurus, Dorudon has the pod mentality where their pod can be summoned aid you in the battlefield. The unique thing about the dorudon is it's blowhole abilities. They can suck up a bunch of water and shoot it all at a specific animal. It will cause a severe knockback and disorientate the animal, even knocking the rider right off the saddle and occasionally knocking them out. However only dorudon riders with precise aiming can perform these. 

Tier: medium
Health: moderate
Speed: high
Damage: moderate
Weight: moderate
Stam: high

Unique tame: passive tame. However if more approach you, you have to feed them too. So essentially you might have to tame the whole pod otherwise they'll attack you. 

Unique saddle: was thinking of  giving it a light two seater saddle. Giving it a nice but logical rotation ability for the second rider. 

Authors notes: some of these ideas are really old but still pretty nice ones IMO. 

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Name: Sea Spiral Hydra
Species: factus serpens

 The Sea Spiral Hydra is a wyvern sized oceanic hydra that hunts fishermen boats. This hydra is one of the only creatures smart enough to attack boats not only for the humans and the thrill of destroying boats, but to mainly steal their fishing cargo and eat it all for themselves. They usually have 5 heads 5 and grow 2 back if they lose on like usual. However they also grow a new tail as well. They have the same amount of heads as they do with tails. That's because of their hunting tactic

Known information: 
The Sea Spiral Hydra lacks arms and legs. It only has its 2 sharp wings with an extra thick membrane covered in spikes that hang there. What they do is they burst out of the water when a boat is nearby. They then spray a blue explosive acid all over the ship and then they use their extra long membrane and their many sharp and spikey tails to slash and cut anything in the area while the hydra performs a long spin. It is called 'the cyclone'. Their cyclone attack can even conjure up hurricanes and water spouts to destroy ships and toss things around. Once the damage had been done, they then eat the food and swim back into the depths.

You're gonna need to big fishing rod to catch this guy. The Sea Spiral Hydra is an extremely traversal creature. It is granted the ability to go in the air, on the ground and one the water. However it is slowly on land. They're mainly tamed as boat raiders, using their explosive acid and cyclone attack to destroy everything and take what they need. Just don't have it bite you or have its mouth in contact with any of your stuff, it will blow it up with its acid! 

Tier: large
Damage: high
Speed: high in air, high in water, medium on land
Health: moderate
Stam: high
Weight: moderate. 

Unique tame: 
Trick it with its own hunting method. Convince it that there's a bunch of fish in your net. Little does it know that there's a cannon the top of the boy fully loaded. When it flies out of the water and gets on your level....FIRE. Should take one cannon ball. May require 2. Feed only the middle head 

Unique saddle: 
Releasable spines: the wing membrane and tails can extra metal spikes and spines that can be flung out during the cyclone. The spikes can be coated in any type of venom or poison you wish! 

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Name: Starjaw Leviathan 
Species: Stella molares anguis

It is pretty rare to see a Starjaw leviathan around the surface of the ocean. If you do ever see one, you'll know why they're also know as 'The Black Smudge'. They usually consist of either black or a dark blue colouring and with remain out of your range until the time is right. They never swim straight towards you to attack, they'll wonder around until you're off guard, then they attack swiftly with their 4 jaws and their lightning element attacks. 

Known information: 
Like I mentioned before, the Starjaw leviathan has 4 jaws....if you include the tongue. The first two jaws split into 4 pieces like an X and the 3rd jaw is the actual head that has the eyes and the nostrils and opens vertically. Because of this, it also has another and thicker layer of skin and flesh. They also use electricity like the electrophorus to incapacitate or kill animals. If a Starjaw was to be even in big trouble, it will use a special electric attack that basically sheds its thick layer of skin, causing it to break free and swim away. Depsite it being now faster, its lighting attacks are weaker, it loses its body armour and it's bigger jaw. It'll take a while to grow them all back, but at least you'll have speed to get away. Not only that, but when shedding, the lightning attack generates a large blast, either killing, knocking out or stunning creatures depending on their size. It will also temporarily shut down generators in a large radius. Once it gets its extra skin and jaw back, it'll be able to completely devour most creatures. 

Essentially this guy is a mix between Kronosaurus, deinosuchus and electrophorus; Swift, heavily armoured and has lightning abilities. The only way to tame one is by getting it to shed its skin and chase it to the surface with icthyosaurs and hatzegopteryxs. Then you grab it with a few hatzes and then knock it out with tranquilliser darts. Once tamed......well we're still trying to figure out a way to ride it because of its regenerative armour. But what we do know from our studies by just swimming with it is that it loves to eat everything! Even when it sheds its skin, it's still very powerful with its mighty jaws. We've also noticed that when shedding its skin, it generates a large blood bath, attracting and enraging everything in the area. It's fighting methods can also be used just as effectively on land than it is in the ocean. The ocean just got a whole lot more scarier! 

Tier: large
Health: high (moderate once shed
Damage: high 
Speed: moderate (high once shed. Same applies on land)
Weight: moderate
Stam: high

Unique tame: already mentioned it in the dossier, don't feel like saying it again. 
Unique saddle: 'the pressure saddle' can only be equipped once the leviathan has its second layer back. You attach it onto its back and there's no straps. Instead there's metal prods that go through the second and first layer of skin in order to stay. Once the leviathan sheds, the prods will cut right through so you'll slide right forward with the leviathan and the saddle

Authors notes: so I got an idea for unique saddles for my mod. It'll be like the survivor notes. You gotta find the specific survivor blueprint in order to actually create the saddle. 

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^^^starjaw will be the 5th animal to be modelled and added to my mod. 


shard golem




(hopefully) either yutyrannus or velociraptor. I said hopefully cause I'm still figuring out how to do feathering on Zbrush. 


somewhere along the line I'll have the bloody apex tro in one whole patch. 2 are already in the works. 

Around one of the halloweens (maybe next years one) I'll have the dream (map extension), ghost dragon, banshee and maybe some other ghoulish creatures. 


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