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pve Celestial Ark [PVE Ragnarok] Fresh! 11 mods


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Celestial Ark [PVE Ragnarok] Fresh! 11 mods

Hey guys, welcome to celestial ark. we're a fresh server live since 6th of October, active admins and we're thinking of adding clusters etc in the near future!

Modlist: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1879461052

Join us over on discord at https://discord.gg/UJAzKhB

Server rates are: 

*4x Experience

*5x Harvest

*8x Taming

*14x Breeding and maturation!

*5x crop growth and 5x hair growth. 

*0.08 Mating interval, about 12 times faster.

*1.2 loot multiplier!


We have an ingame shop which has kibble, donators will recieve double points, nothing pay to win will be added to the ingame shop.

Thinking of adding dinosaurs unobtainable on this map into the shop in the near future.

(worth mentioning, any and all donations will be going directly into the server, adding clusters etc. i would never take a penny for personal gain)

We have 3 active admins who can help you with whatever you need, bugs, questions etc. 

Level up stats are as followed

health 2.5x

weight 3.0x

crafting skill 3.0x

oxygen 5.0x

Fortitude 2.0x

Movement speed 6x. 

Melee damage 2x.

also tamed Dino weight is 2x. 


Join us over on discord at https://discord.gg/UJAzKhB

Or join the server here: steam://connect/

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