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Missing Engrams When Overriding


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Missing Engrams When Overriding

(I also posted this in the Steam discussion Bug Reports area, though I'm not sure it fit there)


Hello! I am 100% uncertain where to post this so I thought I'd post it here to see if someone can help me :)

I am running an unofficial server and am using engram overrides to prevent the appearance and use of Fabricator+ items. A vast majority of the engram overrides I have used have worked. However, any 'consumables' like narcotic, simple bullets, and re-fertilizer, have all disappeared. Below is a link to the code I'm using in the Game.ini file. I have mods installed so you will see engrams that aren't for Vanilla things mixed in.

I have bOnlyAllowSpecifiedEngrams=true directly above the engram coding.


If someone could point out what I'm doing wrong, I would appreciate it!


Edit: After doing some much more extensive research, and contacting a few friends with ARK knowledge, I discovered and solved the issue. I use a stacking mod which changes the classnames of certain engrams. I just looked up the new classnames in the mod file and plugged them into my code and voila! Hope this helps someone else in the future!

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