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Community Crunch 197: Beginner Servers, ExtraLife, and On The Horizon


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  • Wildcard Admin

Beginner Servers


ARK with all its complexities and depth is arguably not the easiest game to jump into.  When beginner servers were introduced last year in May, we saw them as a way of introducing new players to the game while still providing some of the challenges they might run into playing on a more heavily populated server.  This also provided the ability to transfer to a more popular server at your freedom.  Since early game in ARK is the most challenging, we saw this as a low-stress way of getting up to speed. We didn't intend for these servers to be a long-term place to become established.  Because of this, we'll be implementing scheduled wipes and announcing the future dates in advance.  Be sure to spread the word to any new survivors you run across!

Wipe Dates

Oct 1st, 2019
Dec 31st, 2019
Mar 24th, 2020
Jun 16th, 2020
Sept 8th, 2020
Dec 1st, 2020

ExtraLife Stream


For the past several years we've taken part in what is becoming a tradition - the ExtraLife stream.  It's usually full of random challenges, events, and laughter but the main reason we're gathered there is to raise money for an incredible cause.  As we get closer to the ExtraLife stream, we'll post a schedule of events and details on what to expect.  Most of all, expect a good time for a good cause!  Check out the link below to see who's streaming on our team and join forces if you want to help us reach our most ambitious goal yet!

What is ExtraLife?


Extra Life unites thousands of gamers around the world to play games in support of their local Children's Miracle Network Hospital. Since its inception in 2008, Extra Life has raised over $50 million USD for sick and injured kids

Last Years Stats

  • 11th Ranked Team Globally
  • Over 1,800 donations as a team
  • 70 Team Members
  • Largest Donation was $2500
  • 89% Individual Donation increase from 2017
  • 23% Overall Team Donation increase from 2017

ExtraLife Information:

ExtraLife SurviveTheArk Team


On The Horizon


PS4 Transfers

Enabling PS4 transfers is the top priority at the moment and we have dedicated resources working on disabling exploits that caused transfers to be turned off.  We understand this is a considerable inconvenience and we hope to have more information soon.

Public Beta Update

There were recent updates to the public beta based on feedback we received.  Haven't checked it out yet?  See below for information:

Quality of Life Catalog

@Cedric has been working on a comprehensive catalog of quality of life requests.  Many of the requests have come from the community but some requests you see have been proposed by the design team.  While places exists to catalog this information (Suggestions forum, Twitter, Reddit, etc), this is mainly for visibility purposes to let the community know what has been seen, requested, and being worked on.  If this becomes something you'd like to see more, we'll look at different ways of formalizing it.  Expect to see the catalog later this week.


EVO Event


Survivors on all platforms (including Valguero) will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 13th  of Sep at 1 PM EST until Monday the 16th of Sep at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

  • 2x Harvesting Rates
  • 2x Taming Rates
  • 2x EXP Rates

Until next time!

Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark
Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark
Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark
Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark
Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110
Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark

All the best,
Studio Wildcard

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I spent about a week on one of the beginner servers way back when I was just getting into the game. Great way to start out. Glad they're doing wipes on them, sad to hear there's people camping out and trying to stay there longer than needed. How pathetic would it be to call yourself the "alpha tribe" on a beginner server?! Lol

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Uhhh Primal Survival? TLC patches? Any of this ringing a bell for you guys? Have you guys looked at your mammoth model since release or realized how awful it is simply because it's easier to transport a beaver? Acknowledged the existence of the Onycs at all? Considered the possibility of trying to fix the broken physics on platform saddles? Looked into ways to end the reign of flyers being the most OP creatures? Negative inherits for inbreeding, remember how those were supposed to be a thing and completely change the meta so getting literal gods was impossible?

You guys maybe wanna get on some of this stuff?

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7 hours ago, Purdbag said:

I spent about a week on one of the beginner servers way back when I was just getting into the game. Great way to start out.

I played there for a few months for the actual challenge of being limited to level 44, wild dinos at level 30 and tribe limited to 5 players. Lots of PvP opportunities there as there are no broken OP dinos and raids are limited to grenades mostly.

7 hours ago, Purdbag said:

Sad to hear there's people camping out and trying to stay there longer than needed. How pathetic would it be to call yourself the "alpha tribe" on a beginner server?! Lol

Sad that these servers are prolly the only officials worth playing nowadays considering all the cancer going on on regular/small tribes/arkpocalypse.

Maybe you should try for yourself to get established. Getting saddles for anything such as carnos, argentavis, rexes or gigas is an actual challenge.

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12 hours ago, Purdbag said:

I spent about a week on one of the beginner servers way back when I was just getting into the game. Great way to start out. Glad they're doing wipes on them, sad to hear there's people camping out and trying to stay there longer than needed. How pathetic would it be to call yourself the "alpha tribe" on a beginner server?! Lol

Some people stay on those servers because stuff like this. Not everyone wants to be an alpha tribe some people like just playing the game. I have 9000 hours on this game and was an early access player, yet the only official server I ever enjoyed playing on was the starter the beginning servers. I enjoyed helping people out.  taming high-level dinos or hard to tame creatures and giving them away. Or crafting metal tools and give them to somebody with a stone pick and stone axe. Or even give super nice blueprints to people. I am glad they are being white fresh start for people however everybody that stays on those aren't just camping because they don't want to play the game there camping on there because the PVP is so toxic in this community and nobody really enjoys playing PVP. In fact the PVE community is toxic in and of itself it's hard to find a good server where there's not people that's willing to put foundations over your tames,  put ladders and pillars everywhere or lead high-level gigas or Rex's to your base just because they want your spot. This game is great but a majority of the players are like you, and only see this as a way to vent all your cruel and misdirected anger and people that have nothing to do with your problems.

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19 minutes ago, Greatchawhee said:

Some people stay on those servers because stuff like this. Not everyone wants to be an alpha tribe some people like just playing the game. I have 9000 hours on this game and was an early access player, yet the only official server I ever enjoyed playing on was the starter the beginning servers. I enjoyed helping people out.  taming high-level dinos or hard to tame creatures and giving them away. Or crafting metal tools and give them to somebody with a stone pick and stone axe. Or even give super nice blueprints to people. I am glad they are being white fresh start for people however everybody that stays on those aren't just camping because they don't want to play the game there camping on there because the PVP is so toxic in this community and nobody really enjoys playing PVP. In fact the PVE community is toxic in and of itself it's hard to find a good server where there's not people that's willing to put foundations over your tames,  put ladders and pillars everywhere or lead high-level gigas or Rex's to your base just because they want your spot. This game is great but a majority of the players are like you, and only see this as a way to vent all your cruel and misdirected anger and people that have nothing to do with your problems.

Whoa buddy, calm down. My criticism was meant to be directed toward people who stay on those servers because they can't cut it on regular official. I'm sure there are folks that like to hang there and help people advance in the game, and that's great. Those arent the folks these wipes will hurt. Those folks wont have a tough time rebuilding. These wipes are to discourage the land grabbers and noob grievers. 

I dont play PvP, I play PvE because I dont have the dexterity in my hands to be competitive, or the mental need to be "dominate" other players. My experience on official PvE has been largely positive, and I do spend the majority of my time nowadays helping newer players get built up. The toxic behaviors like kiting and pillaring of course will always be a problem, but I hope everyone gets as lucky as I have and finds servers where they can forge friendships and where the long established tribes do a good job of working together to prevent this sort of toxicity. 

My advice; ease up on that salt intake, its not good for you. Keep on surviving friend! 

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