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Auto crafting


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Auto crafting

Hi, can anyone tell me how the hell you stop the auto crafting? Every time I craft something , it starts to auto craft and it will keep crafting  item until  I manually stop it , but  by that time it has already crafted 3, 4  items, and it would keep crafting until  the resources run out , I'm playing on an xbox one. this is driving me nuts , at this point any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Are you hitting 'Y' to craft? In general Y is the "craft all" button, or at least triangle is on PS4 which is the equivalent of Xbox's Y. If you want to craft one item, try hitting the right trigger once. Also if you look at the very top of your screen kind of to the left it will tell you which buttons to hit to craft all, craft 5, and craft 1. Hope this helps!

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