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any podded animal can be kept in a pod on abberation, you just can't pull them all out and release ones that aren't allowed.  I have first hand experience and had no problems.  I can't tell you if there's any chances of them becoming trapped in a pod like some people have said has happened on their single player games.

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On 8/29/2019 at 2:05 AM, GP said:

No you can't as they don't naturally spawn on Aberration. Unless they changed it in the last 6 months, but I don't recall anything indicating they have.


While you can't take monkeys, the rule that if they don't spawn there, you can't transfer them is not accurate. You can transfer gachas, manas, velonasaurs, (haven't tried fluffy raptors).  Aside from those, the rule of thumb is that as long as there is an aberrant counterpart, then its ok to transfer. Sucks they didn't add aberrant mesopithecus. Glow in the dark monkeys throwing glowing poo would be awesome.

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