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Community Crunch 196: On The Horizon


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  • Wildcard Admin


Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! :Jerbhi:

It's a light week in terms of news, but we're busy working behind the scenes to bring you new content, teasers, and updates!


On The Horizon


'On The Horizon' details ongoing or upcoming initiatives

Quality of Life Improvements

This week we'll be sharing the quality of life changes we have cataloged internally from community feedback and things that have been brought up in internal meetings from our designers.  Our hope is that you add to this list and we can begin chipping away at it.  There will be more details to come later this week!

Public Beta

The Public PC beta is still live!  Want to participate?  See the thread below!

Refereum Partnership

Want to get rewarded for playing ARK?  We've partnered with Refereum to reward ARK's most dedicated players.  Find out more below:

Refereum announces partnership with Studio Wildcard

Classic PvP

Preparation is still underway for a new season in Classic PvP.  We are finalizing the changes that will take place between seasons.

Modding Sponsorships

Mod Program applications are open in a week and this is the last application period of the year so make sure to get your projects in!

Apply For Sponsorship

Only fill out the application if you are the owner of the mod. The sponsorship applications are not a nomination system; sponsorship comes with expectations that a given mod author may not want to actually add on to their life at a given point in time for any number of reasons.
It's up to the mod author to decide if they want to put their project up for potential sponsorship.



EVO Event


Survivors on all platforms (including Valguero) will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 30th of Aug at 1 PM EST until Monday the 2nd of Sep at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

  • 2x Harvesting Rates
  • 2x Taming Rates
  • 2x EXP Rates

Until next time!

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Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark
Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark
Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark
Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110
Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark

All the best,
Studio Wildcard

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Hopefully "Quality of Life" includes singleplayer.  There's two longstanding issues I can think of, not even sure if one is considered a bug at this point.

First:  On The Island, the Artifact in one of the ice caves doesn't spawn properly.  Or possibly ever.  I believe it's the Artifact of the Skylord, in the cave on the ice cliffs on the northern coast.

Second:  In singleplayer, Extinction Titans slowly starve to death.  This was changed after launch, apparently (as always) because of changes to PVP.  I could swear that at one point, a dev actually made a post saying that in singleplayer games we'd have the option of keeping them permanently, which is nice for sending them to another map as a mobile base.

Bonus item:  Almost none of the Extinction creatures react properly with deep water.  Unless "sinking like a stone and being unable to even climb back onto the land again" is how they're supposed to work, then they're all set.  :(

There's other stuff, like how shoulder pets unequip from the player (and gigantopithicus) every time you load a saved game, but that's probably an engine limitation and not something that could be fixed easily.  Or fixed at all.

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What is being done about those effected by cryofridge glitch? 



Tek boss teleporter, with the way the obilisks are nowadays it's so hard to get dinos on to the ring. Make it cost a lot and have a 24hr cool down or something like that.


Maybe underwater tek powered domes, kinda like city protection shields on ext 

Edited by irishstorm
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4 hours ago, EmberStar said:

Second:  In singleplayer, Extinction Titans slowly starve to death.  This was changed after launch, apparently (as always) because of changes to PVP.  I could swear that at one point, a dev actually made a post saying that in singleplayer games we'd have the option of keeping them permanently, which is nice for sending them to another map as a mobile base.

In the game settings there is an option to allow feeding of raid dino's. That should let you keep the Titans.

If that doesn't work, you can adjust how much your tames eat as well.

Edited by yekrucifixion187
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well if its that time for QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVEMENTS . I would assume fixes would come under this . tek bridges broken still for 2nd time on officials at least . the centre map redwood biome is still metallic and looks poo since extinction lol . cryo fridges bug which few know about but as a game changer is defo a game breaker . we lost 250 dino to this but still play . geez , how loyal we are lol. now is the time to just fix your damn game . allas were just too used to it being broken and just getting on with it . totally understand why you don't invest in time which is money to fix what you believe isn't worthy but for god sakes if something worked fine once and looked good once but a simple non qc tested update or patch broke something and you got told about it . then why havnt you just at least fixed that yet lol

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Rework the Quetz - Give it improved abilities, maybe a second attack like the wyvern wing attack and reskin it


Fix landing lag - whenever I try to land my flying tames mainly wyverns and they commonly fly around even when there's a clear and ready space to do so


Reskin Wyverns - they look great now but increase the diversity of wyverns


Update recipe system - give it a better interface and make it easier to understand


Update all dinosaur that haven't been TLCd


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QOL update suggestions

the blasted reload glitch...

The  50% chance of fat fingers upon Ascension ...

The derpiness of lightning wyvern babies...

The amount of engram points on single player

Most importantly not a quality of life, but a meaning of life for the vast majority of dinos. Unfortunately most of the dinos have no purpose for taming. In fact a large portion of the creatures is only a source of food for the more useful ones.

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11 hours ago, irishstorm said:

What is being done about those effected by cryofridge glitch? 



Tek boss teleporter, with the way the obilisks are nowadays it's so hard to get dinos on to the ring. Make it cost a lot and have a 24hr cool down or something like that.


Maybe underwater tek powered domes, kinda like city protection shields on ext 

For the teleporter are you talking about spawning into a boss fight without a obelisk? I think they had that at one point and removed it. I would also like this kind of change to be re-added. People park dinos all over the obelisk and devs do nothing. I could copy paste a response I got the other day. I reported a guy for parking flyers all over the obi and the devs response legit was, "looks fine to me". Why have these rules if you don't enforce them.

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1 minute ago, FreddyFCT said:

Why have these rules if you don't enforce them.

The devs really should be making more of the rules into gameplay mechanics. Rules require enforcement, which is barely done.


For the obelisks, imagine if there was a timer on each creature parked there and after a certain time increment the creatures are pushed out of the obelisks area.

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