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*Solved* Arkmanager Cluster Setup


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Arkmanager Cluster Setup

Has anyone successfully setup a cross ark cluster using Arkmanager in Linux? I have all seven maps running with no issues however when I try to cross transfer between them I get a blank list of opens in the Obelisk console.


I have tried the configs with every variable I can find to try and nothing gets them to show up so I'm thinking maybe arkmanger can't handle cross ark transfers?

That's the main reason for asking if someone has it working then the issue is my setup, I already have two weeks banging away at this with no success.

If someone does have it working would you mind sharing their setup cfg files with me so I might see what I have wrong?

Here is the Island config, they all look the same except the names/ports.

# config environment
arkserverroot="/home/steam/ARK/"                                     # path of your ARK server files (default ~/ARK)

# ARK server options - use ark_<optionname>=<value>
# comment out these values if you want to define them
# inside your GameUserSettings.ini file
serverMap="TheIsland"                                               # server map (default TheIsland)
ark_RCONEnabled="True"                                              # Enable RCON Protocol
ark_RCONPort="32330"                                                # RCON Port
ark_SessionName="MuddyARK-TheIsland"                                  # if your session name needs special characters please use the .ini instead
ark_Port="7778"                                                     # ARK server port (default 7778)
ark_QueryPort="27015"                                               # ARK query port (default 27015)
#ark_AltSaveDirectoryName="clusters/muddycluster/alt-TheIsland"                                    # Uncomment to specify a different save directory name

# ARK server flags - use arkflag_<optionname>=true
#arkflag_OnlyAdminRejoinAsSpectator=true                            # Uncomment to only allow admins to rejoin as spectator
#arkflag_DisableDeathSpectator=true                                 # Uncomment to disable players from becoming spectators when they die

# ARK server options - i.e. for -optname=val, use arkopt_optname=val





Found it, if you go into pfsense menu -> System / Advanced / Firewall & NAT
"Check NAT Reflection mode for port forwards" (Pure NAT) and "Enable automatic outbound NAT for Reflection" checkbox, good to go.

All maps, Cross-Ark transfers working as they should.


For reference here is my working config for The Island, all other maps are the same except the ports and map names/save locations.


# config environment
arkserverroot="/home/steam/ARK"                                     # path of your ARK server files (default ~/ARK)

# ARK server options - use ark_<optionname>=<value>
# comment out these values if you want to define them
# inside your GameUserSettings.ini file
serverMap="TheIsland"                                               # server map (default TheIsland)
ark_RCONEnabled="True"                                              # Enable RCON Protocol
ark_RCONPort="32330"                                                # RCON Port
ark_SessionName="MuddyARK-TheIsland"                                # if your session name needs special characters please use the .ini instead
ark_Port="7778"                                                     # ARK server port (default 7778)
ark_QueryPort="27015"                                               # ARK query port (default 27015)
ark_AltSaveDirectoryName="alt-TheIsland"                            # Uncomment to specify a different save directory name

# ARK server flags - use arkflag_<optionname>=true
#arkflag_OnlyAdminRejoinAsSpectator=true                            # Uncomment to only allow admins to rejoin as spectator
#arkflag_DisableDeathSpectator=true                                 # Uncomment to disable players from becoming spectators when they die

# ARK server options - i.e. for -optname=val, use arkopt_optname=val




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Is this on your LAN or an external server (e.g. hosted by someone else)?

I've been trying the same thing at home on my LAN but have failed so far.  The problem appears to be a bug/problem in their network discovery: you seem to require "NAT Loopback"  on your internet router/modem and access the servers by your external IP address.

Looking at your config file: Two things I didn't see are

arkopt_clusterid="SOMETHING"   # mine is in ~/.arkmanager.cfg

ark_AltSaveDirectoryName=XYZ # I think this should be uncommented (unique  per cfg file)



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13 hours ago, ThePewter said:

arkopt_clusterid="SOMETHING"   # mine is in ~/.arkmanager.cfg

ark_AltSaveDirectoryName=XYZ # I think this should be uncommented (unique  per cfg file)

ClusterID needs to be the same for all your maps - think of a random word for this setting.

AltSaveDirectoryName needs to unique for each map.  It is the name of the directory where the map is stored.  On Windows: DONT put the drive letter in here, otherwise Ark won't save anything.  It doesn't like "C:" or whatever at the start of the path.

Each map will need a unique port, queryport and rconport.  These port numbers will need to be port-forwarded through your router to your server, and your server will need a static IP address on the LAN so you can setup the port-forwarding to it.

Your ini files will need to allow uploading and downloading of dinos, items and survivors...



This page has some Linux related info...


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53 minutes ago, MuddyArk said:

Found out my cluster setup was not the issue, wildcard's server software is the issue.

If you want to play and jump across maps you need to be on a different network.

Still looking for a solution but at least I know my setup works just not on my network.


I have to disagree with you. I'm running 2 servers on my local network and I can play and jump across maps just fine. Are you running them on the same Machine you are playing on? I know it sounds silly but I have seen people try that.. it does not work. 

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No I have a VM setup running all seven maps just fine I just never had setup clustering before.

Same network , different machines, ip's.

I put my gaming machine on the outside of my network and was able to log in and jump across maps back and forth with all my dinos and gear with no issues, put it back inside my network and could not see them at the obelisk terminal again.

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3 hours ago, MuddyArk said:

No I have a VM setup running all seven maps just fine I just never had setup clustering before.

Same network , different machines, ip's.

I put my gaming machine on the outside of my network and was able to log in and jump across maps back and forth with all my dinos and gear with no issues, put it back inside my network and could not see them at the obelisk terminal again.

Sounds like you need to check the port-forwarding on your router, and check that it supports NAT-loopback.

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