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Community Crunch 193: The Visitor


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  • Wildcard Admin

Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! :Jerbhi:



Be sure to tune into http://www.twitch.tv/survivetheark on Thursday 10AM PST for a special announcement!  Want to find out more about what's going on?  Keep your eyes peeled on http://ark.gg/g if you don't want to miss out on the clues!




EVO Event


Survivors on all platforms (including Valguero) will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 9th of Aug at 1 PM EST until Monday the 12th of Aug at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

  • 2x Harvesting Rates
  • 2x Taming Rates
  • 2x EXP Rates

Until next time!

Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark
Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark
Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark
Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark
Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110
Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark

All the best,
Studio Wildcard


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On 6/19/2019 at 2:33 AM, Jtharrison10 said:

So just to be clear there will be no character/dino transfers at release but there will be after a set period of time?


3 hours ago, StudioWildcard said:

Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! :Jerbhi:



Be sure to tune into http://www.twitch.tv/survivetheark on Thursday 10AM PST for a special announcement!  Want to find out more about what's going on?  Keep your eyes peeled on http://ark.gg/g if you don't want to miss out on the clues!




EVO Event


Survivors on all platforms (including Valguero) will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 9th of Aug at 1 PM EST until Monday the 12th of Aug at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

  • 2x Harvesting Rates
  • 2x Taming Rates
  • 2x EXP Rates

Until next time!

Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark
Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark
Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark
Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark
Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110
Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark

All the best,
Studio Wildcard



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You sure everyone is on board with 2x on Valguero, as there was mix up on last few weeks?

  • Facepalm 1
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Cool news. Someone’s coming to dinner got that. This would have been more intriguing if I wasn’t already enthralled by Valguero’s new Xbox save features. 

  I’ve always been down for pillar free map but my oh my the clean up work a server restart will do for yah.

 So looking forward to the new mystery to solve. Hoping it’s the one where the gang finds out who stole the bug fix, maybe it’s the new visitor everyone’s talking about? Let us wait... and see..

cheat gfi XboxValguero_server_savefix 1 1 1 (I’ll make it myself, I’m keeping the blueprint..) 


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The Mystery...

The visitor is Snail Games. They are shutting down Ark to focus on PixArk, or w/e it is. The red hand is coming to pimp slap all players, as a show of gratitude for giving them money on a broken game. 


J/k, it's most likely a new map, but, I wouldn't be surprised if it were an Ark 2 announcement either, although that's a stretch at this point.


*EDIT* Completely forgot about the "This is not Ark 2" hidden message, although... maybe it's a diversion...?

Edited by Willistor87
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