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How do I beat hard rag on official, with a very small tribe?


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How do I beat hard rag on official, with a very small tribe.

Some of my friends and I are high level (100+) but we do not have transmitter (or any tek engrams). We have a very small tribe of less than 5 people (also no ties with any big tribes), but we managed to breed our 150 rexes to start our lines. Unfortunately, we were wiped while raising these rexes, and lost all progress to attempt the boss fight, however we did all this in one weekend. Since we are going to completely restart this Friday, (for 2x) any suggestions for tames we need for the boss fight, methods of fighting it, etc. I remind you these are official xbox servers, and I am welcome to all suggestions.

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You can beat it two person. Have one on a rex, one on a yuty. Yuty ruder controls remainder of rexes. Kill dragon first. Quick as possible. Then chew manticore as it lands. 

Once the golems come out, have the rex rider kite them all over to the start. There’s a ledge that you can walk up onto and the golems will stand below throwing rocks into the side. Now the yuty rider finishes manticore with well timed whistles and patience. 

If your rex line is above 750 melee on hatch, you can chew the golems. If you’re kiting them off, one stat the ridden rex in HP

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1 hour ago, RaginBubba said:

Give up on the reX'S they over Complicate things way to much just take in rhinos YouTube it it just have cakes and shotguns can be done with prim saddles ez rexs and yuty are for bigger tribes with good lines and tbh rhinos are so much easier 1 to raise and second to do the boss fight with trust me

I think we are going to try it with rhinos because the rexes are going to be hard to obtain however  it will be a problem trying to get superior kibble so our rhinos aren’t trash.

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