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Continuing radiation sounds


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Continuing radiation sounds

In my server, my single player server, I was playing on the map vulguero and reached to an entrance of a radiation zone with a tek Parasaur. After looking for the place, I went in to look for a crystal that could give me red gems. After I found it and died, leaving my Parasaur alone, I spawned back above ground at the small islands to re-cooperate my next plan before I go back down. As soon as I spawn, I notice I still have the sound of the radiation still going, even though I’m outside of the range of aberration’s radiation zone. I waited for it to go away, and when it does seem to be gone, it would comeback and keep making the noise. I tried dying again to lose the sound, but it would come back after I would revive myself. I don’t know if this affecting other kinds of private servers, or public servers, but I do know it’s in single player and it’s very annoying to listen too.  Please find a way to fix this bug so I don’t have to go deleting a character, or even possibly have to delete my world to get rid of this sound bug. 

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