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Community Crunch 192: Mod Contest Winners and On The Horizon


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  • Wildcard Admin

Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! :Jerbhi:


Mod Contest Winners

The 2019 ARK Modding Contest has come to a close and the winners decided!
For the last two months, the modding community has been preparing and working hard for a chance at the rewards of the mod contest, and the final result was left to the community.

Here are the winners of each category, as chosen by this community of survivors!


1st - Olympus by rougewolf


2nd - Faith by JasonAkaSnowy


3rd - The Chasm by Trappel22



1st - Castles, Keeps, and Forts by ExileAcid


2nd - ARK Steampunk Mod by iSpeZz


3rd - Human NPCs by ZKs

The raffles for the signed collector's editions box sets have also been drawn:

Raffle winner (PS4 edition): AKNyx
Raffle winner (XB1 edition): KnochenKater

We'll be reaching out to the winners soon to finalize and arrange winnings.

We would also like to state our appreciation to all of the content creators that helped the mod authors broadcast their projects and overall helped share the contest. Thank you.

Lastly, don't forget that sponsored mod program applications are still open and will close in a week. If you are interested in sponsorship make sure to get those applications in!

Happy modding!

Valguero Transfer Timing (Consoles)


The timing for transfers into and out of Valguero has been updated to include consoles.  Check out the link below for information on timing for PC.

Console (XBOX/PS4)

  • Transfers In
    • Enabled October 29th
  • Transfers Out
    • Enabled Aug 5th


Customer Service Ticket Submissions

We've updated the information needed for submitting Customer Service tickets so that is more concise and clear. We've updated the information for filing regular tickets as well as ban appeals.  Be sure to look over this information before filing your ticket.  Doing so makes the process smoother and most tickets a lot faster to process.  Check out the links below for more information.

Reporting Code of Conduct Violations

Appealing an ARK Ban


On The Horizon


XBOX Dedicated Server Valguero Issue

The team is looking into the issue preventing saving on dedicated servers running the Valguero map.  This is a top priority and we expect to have updates on this soon.


Invisible Wyvern/Broodmother

The issue of invisible Wyverns and Broodmother has a potential fix that the QA team is testing.  We'll share more information on this fix when its closer to deployment.


The team is actively engaged with the community on current exploits and diagnosing ways to counter them.  This is an ongoing process and development resources are always dedicated to addressing exploits.

Meta/Beta Changes

Our recent beta is the first of more we'd like the community to participate in.  The next round of changes will be focused around the PvP cave meta.  Share your thoughts in the thread below!



Network Maintenance

Network maintenance on Thursday from 6-7am CET (12am EST). No downtime is expected but there could be a few potential outages which may cause connection issues during that period. Affects all EU servers on all platforms.

EVO Event


Survivors on all platforms (excluding Valguero) will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 2nd of Aug at 1 PM EST until Monday the 5th of Aug at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

  • 2x Harvesting Rates
  • 2x Taming Rates
  • 2x EXP Rates

Until next time!

Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark
Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark
Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark
Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark
Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110
Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark

All the best,
Studio Wildcard


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I don't have a VR headset yet but with the rise of these new and affordable headsets around, it would be an AMAZING Game to immerse yourself in VR and feel like you really own Dino's, I know head tracking is available but a full version port would be a huge step in making VR the best thing ever. Imaging hatching a baby and seeing it there right in front of you, or running from a raptor hearing it's footprints chasing you down. I hope you've considered it.

Edited by Ironiczeus
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12 minutes ago, Ironiczeus said:

I don't have a VR headset yet but with the rise of these new and affordable headsets around, it would be an AMAZING Game to immerse yourself in VR and feel like you really own Dino's, I know head tracking is available but a full version port would be a huge step in making VR the best thing ever. Imaging hatching a baby and seeing it there right in front of you, or running from a raptor hearing it's footprints chasing you down. I hope you've considered it.

Just think, it's midnight and you're chopping a tree for fire wood and you hear the sounds of a raptor approach. You are over weight so you drop some wood and dash out of there. Bob and weave, weave and bob. You look behind you and breathe a sigh of relief because you lost them  Turn back around and see the 10 pairs of glowing eyes of troodons. Sounds like a blast...

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1 hour ago, Ironiczeus said:

I don't have a VR headset yet but with the rise of these new and affordable headsets around, it would be an AMAZING Game to immerse yourself in VR and feel like you really own Dino's, I know head tracking is available but a full version port would be a huge step in making VR the best thing ever. Imaging hatching a baby and seeing it there right in front of you, or running from a raptor hearing it's footprints chasing you down. I hope you've considered it.

Snail Games made ArkPark, and since they own the IP, it’s down to them.

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Some more info on Classic PvP Season 2 pls? It's been weeks now since announcement. Season 1 is already dead. All relevant tribes quit long ago due to the cheater fest you allowed to happen. We had streamers on our alliance, and we got aimbotted live on stream by these and no evidence was enough for a dev wipe. You have to up your rules for Classic.. Also applies to Small Tribes. Inviting a cheater for server defense should mean a full dev wipe for every tribe that invites that same cheater over and over again. We wiped CG and they were cheating over and over  while defending, and after wiping them, doing YOUR work, they continued to play on another cluster before transfer opening and had free game to cheat once again. Can you please fix this sh** before Season 2?

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Congratulations to the winners!

It was nice to take part of the voting process and fun to watch the add videos. And although it may be unlikely, I will go ahead and cross by fingers that we get a part of some of the mods or one of the maps in the future for console game play. ??

Can't wait to see what the next contest will bring. ?

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Ok so the First phase of the timer  states "This is Not Ark 2" The next phase that just came through states " Uplink AP Init " me and my bro have been looking around and there is one thing that keeps popping up the banner of extinction which is 42.9 38.6 : Yellow Text.
A priority Communication recieved: Arat Prime is locked down. Which means it could mean AP stands for Arat Prime and Init meaning Initiating and what backs this up the ending cutscene of Extinction where it says "I'm Coming For You!" which means it would be Arat Prime but this is just a speculation can't wait for the Rest will update this once we find out more thanks for reading.

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46 minutes ago, AcexHellhound21 said:

Ok so the First phase of the timer  states "This is Not Ark 2" The next phase that just came through states " Uplink AP Init " me and my bro have been looking around and there is one thing that keeps popping up the banner of extinction which is 42.9 38.6 : Yellow Text.
A priority Communication recieved: Arat Prime is locked down. Which means it could mean AP stands for Arat Prime and Init meaning Initiating and what backs this up the ending cutscene of Extinction where it says "I'm Coming For You!" which means it would be Arat Prime but this is just a speculation can't wait for the Rest will update this once we find out more thanks for reading.

Arat Prime is not someone, it's a place. Probably it's based on the Noah's Ark history, in which the Ark rested on mount Ararat, Arat Prime probably is a command center on Earth which could start the ark's returning to earth procedure. I would guess the one who said "I'm coming for you!" would be Rockwell, since it's coming from the aberrant ark.
That makes me think the new dlc is canonical and post-extinction, since the countdown is a portal system, and on the end of extinction the player ascends.

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  • Transfers Out
    • Enabled Aug 5th

What exactly do you mean? Transfers of items and characters out of Valguero are already enabled on Xbox official servers. I was able to upload deino eggs and download them on my other server.

And can you also re-enable item and dino uploads for the Xbox beginner servers? We used to be able to upload tames before you disabled it because of duping, but it never got enabled again along with all the other servers. I want to upload my level 1 event rexes.

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