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How do you play Single Player, what setting, what rules ?


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How do you play Single Player, what setting, what rules ?

How I usually play is no cheating/spawning stuffs dino etc, the only console command allowed to be used is gamma, save game, and kill all wild dinoes. 3x Gathering and 3x taming, because that's the highest setting from event on official server. Because once I spawned stuffs/dinoes/etc I won't be able to stop because why not. Also if using gathering multiplier too high, I can even farm stones/woods/thatches with probably only lv 5, using too high taming also will make kibbles useless because low grade food will have high efficiency. Oh and also backuping savegame before doing anything dangerous in case i failed lol,


My Ark playtime is 3200 hours, but I never reach endgame playing both SP and MP, I just build and tame then leave them to expire after I'm bored, same with SP, play new DLC, like Abe, I only played to survive, build a base, checking new stuffs, tame Rock Drake and Reaper then call it quit


But this time I want to play from scratch and defeat bosses. I know that SP has its default multiplier already tampered with, like taming is like 2.5x because when I set it to 3, it's like 7.5x taming (cmiiw). Breeding is quite fast maybe 1-2 hours from baby to adult. And dino stats is also higher, this is what really bugs me, I figure it's for scaling with the boss HP, but why not tamper the boss difficulty/hp instead, because most ppl I bet already accustomed to Dinoes' multiplayer stats, but since level is the same I bet it is the base stats only ? While x times hp x times stam, x times everything are exactly the same as usual ?


Do most of you prefer playing using SP setting or using MP setting with adjustments, also what's your setting, especially for the bosses and dinoes.







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When I started single player long ago as a newbie and had no clue. I followed Phlinger Phoo's soloing the ark series on YT. He has settings videos. This was way before that "single player settings" checkbox existed.


Since then I have done many player throughs with different goals, rulesets, mods and rates. Never ridiculously high rates 1x on experience, 3-5 harvest and taming, 5-10 on breeding. 


Breeding shorter interval between breeding again. Really fast mating and gestation/incubation times since those are really just waiting steps.


I run a personal LAN server, so I don't have to deal with the SP boss nerf and altered settings. Plus I can leave the server running or turn it off. And my save files are safe from any client issues.


I suggest setting yourself a list of goals, then assess how much playtime you want to devote and set rates accordingly. You could do things like boost BP quality and imprinting quality if you want things a bit easier, but making thing too easy isn't  good either.


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First step: Take off SP settings.. they are way too easy and invalidate your play because its too easy. 

Second Step: Your rates seem good, remember its very possible (and pretty easy) to knock out bosses solo without cheats / SP settings.

Just play. You need to make short term goals to not give up. 


Edit: Dont change imprint amount like above mentioned.. unless you want a stupidly easy game.

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I play with mods and use the s+ nanny for imprinting with normal imprinting. But before that existed I had trouble getting full imprints needing to actually sleep and work. Before cryopods and the imprint timer change. I liked the setting cause 50% was good enough if the setting was doubled.


There is so much that can be customized.

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I have a freeform single player game. 

Sometimes I spawn a level 300 Mek ti battle Squids. Sometimes, I .5 my xp and harvest settings and make it so I can't go above stone tier. 

Just depends how I feel that day. Both ways are fun. If you never went creative mode (for unlimited weight) and used fly command on your Anky to farm, you're missing out. Lol

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Not exactly single player, but I am the only one on my server xD

x2 Experience
x3 Garthering
x10 taming
x8 breeding (and babies eat no food)

Lowered water consumption by 20% from 1.0 to 0.8

Dino and player stat increase per level is vanilla.

Bosses are nerfed to about 33% power (I don't have the energy to raise 20 super rexes xD) .. this also makes it viable to fight bosses with other dinos/animals than rexes.

Wild dinos max level 150 (180 Tek, 190 Wyverns etc)

No cheats
No gamma

For the fun of it, I try not to use flying dinos too much and not too many giant dinos.
I have disabled the giga and titanosaur for example.

Also I try to not build too big bases, and instead use the environment to build something fun.

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Single player is for testing builds or finding locations on a map.  Empty of all wilds.  Cheat spawn in everything.  Would think it would be easy but copy n paste from the wiki everything you need as fast as you can so you test.  Then get back to official multiplayer before decay timers.  It's actually hard to do.  Each tested build or run thru a cave in SP takes up my entire night/day.  Then I have to fight depression because I ignored things in real life I should have taken care of.  At least I have been faithful to continue my studies.

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