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Valguero Transfer Timeline. What is it?


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Whenever a new map is released, the ability to transfer in items or dinos from your home server to the new map is locked.

This is to prevent alpha tribes from ruining the experience for lower tier tribes, solo players, new players or old players returning to the game. It puts everyone on the same playing field so that everything is as fair as possible.

However, after a certain amount of time the flood gates are opened. The only thing this affects is the ability to take what you had on another server and bring it to Valguero. You will not have to make another character and you will not lose anything.

Unofficial maps are also not included. Unofficial servers as a whole are not supported by Wild Card.

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  • 3 months later...

Since people have been duping on all other servers besides Valguero, is it off the table to ask that Valguero never be opened to transfer with the old servers?? Open up Valguero to valguero server transfer for the PVP, but NEVER open it up to all the other servers or it will literly be wiped and destroyed by the MASSIVE amount of duper tribes from the other servers. The only living tribes from the old servers are all duper’s.... literly all of them...

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