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There are TOO MANY WOLVES on Valguero


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There are TOO MANY WOLVES on Valguero

Title says it all. Valguero has too many Dire Wolves, I can't venture into the anow biome without running into several groups of 10-2] of the things. I spent an hour prepping and setting up a trap in a good location near 150 Yutyrannus I found yesterday so I could tame it, only for it to die to at least a dozen wolves. I get that dire wolves should be in the snow but the sheee number of them is ridiculous, it's impossible to travel on foot without drawing wolf aggro every couple of minutes. Wildcard nerf the spawn rates of Dire Wolves on Valguero PLEASE.

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Yes I have, but the packs on the other maps weren't this exorbitantly large. Also I know you need to set up a structure to protect your tame once its KO'd, but it's hard to KO it when you can't even lure the thing to your trap without it getting stuck into a fight with a gajillion wolves it will inevitably lose. Also I'm not on foot, i  go up with a flyer to search for a tame. I just feel like there are way too many around, I get that packs are normal bur I've nevr seen this many at once on any of the other maps.

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lol the expansion mod recently added Manas, I got completely merc'd last night by a huge pack trying to chase down a mana I had some tranqs into.... first dismounted by Purlovia, then just completely wrecked by wolves xD.


If you think the wolves are bad, have you tried swimming yet! So .. many .. jellyfish ... 

But I don't mind, I didn't expect or want it to be easy. Now if I could just get some darn cryopods! 

Agreed, it's completely worth it to tame up a megalodon and get down into the underworld ocean to grab some Basilos, I've got me a nice imprinted one now, and I don't think I've ever felt safer in the ocean on Ark..... oh, and tamed Basilos don't seem to take depth damage on Valguero, either that or the water isn't deep enough to trigger their vulnerability to deep water, I've been down about as low as you can go and haven't taken any damage from it.

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