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Decay timers


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Decay timers

So my wife and I are chatting about this currently and I really felt like i needed to voice my opinion regarding this.  Decay timers are GREAT! However, it seems a little bit over the top at 7 days.  People have lives outside of Ark, and at least in my case and most of my friends, we often take a yearly vacation for a week or two. Especially us, we love to cruise, and most cruises are 7 days and 2 days travel/hotel time for us.  While I don't think it's fair to ask for extension of the decay timers to 14 days just for our purposes, it's my opinion that it would be something reasonable that the entire community would probably get behind.  Sure, it takes longer for abandoned structures to vanish but we do have lives, jobs, families, vacations, etc. 


just my .2 cents.

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