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Safely transporting unconscious bodies?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't do a lot of PvP, but on one server I did manage to get past level 20. At that point, I started getting a bit arrogant, and I would knock out and drown other players (I realize now that was a jerk move, but that's why I'm not on that server anymore.) My recommedation would be transporting your victims to the knockout location beforehand, then tranqing them. It's just like trapping and tranqing a tame. From there, you should be able to drag them into a cage and/or cuff them, or maybe just feed them to your Raptors (I would not recommend doing any of this if they are in a tribe unless you also have a tribe).

Logged off players' bodies, I just leave them be. I'll fight and kill them when they show back up.

If you want to loot a logged off player, don't kill them directly because they'll know you did it. Lure a Raptor or another relatively manageable carnivore to the body, let them do the dirty work, then kill the Raptor and loot the player's inventory (and the Raptor's, too. They usually have recipes and sometimes cloth armor, arrows (tranqs and regulars), a bow, and/or spears). 

Happy Hunger Games!

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Hey thanks for the reply
But i meant transporting unconscious players as prisoners. I don't intend on killing people that i manage to KO(It's more profitable to imprison them)
My only problem so far is that I can't safely drag people to my prison.

By the way i found out that you can grapple the victim and fly it to your base with a griffin.

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  • 5 months later...

"I know this is late reply but I really don't care"
Dang ya'll are the kind of people i hate when i play on a pvp server. Regardless to say, i used to do this myself and I have to admit it was kinda fun imprisoning a bunch of people. But then it happened to me and i finally got a taste of my own medicine. Not fun at all when your on the other side of the bars.

I got saved by my tribe (by accidentally blowing me up with c4 while trying to break me free, then i just respawned at my bed) but after that i never supported the idea of "caging the whole server" as my tribe used to say.

Nevertheless i don't play on that server anymore so who knows how stuff is going on. Maybe my ex tribe accomplished their dream, maybe they didn't. Now i just knock people out. Put them in cuffs while the raid is going on, then release them at the end for target practice 

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