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Idea for TLC pass



TLC passes I feel should be more abundant or at the least Wildcard should do ALOT of changes, bug fixes and such if TLC passes would take time in between. We all know they're not Microsoft or other big name publishers and I am patient but here are some glaring issues that bother me both as a gamer and lover of prehistoric animals.



• Biggest one is obvious. Some of the models of the creatures look...dated to put in words nicely. Hideously stupid to put harshly. The older creatures clearly look dated and even out of place in a game like Ark. Pteradons to me are the biggest offenders on land. And then there is that one guy we all know but dont want to talk about...the Plesiosaur. If you ever seen such a vile model or yet to see one, look no further. Its face alone is just so damn goofy and unrealistic and even looks lazily put. I know Wildcard had thought their creatures to look great and some do after small updates but...yeah. it's just hideous. My list of creatures that seriously need a model update or even new textures are the following:

• Pteradon

• Megalodon

• Ichyosaur

• Spiders

• Onyc

• Wooly mammoth

• Rhinos

• Monkey.

• That Plesiosaur!

Animals that just need a slightly update skin look or body shape are IMO the piranhas, dragonflies, ants and mosasaur. Function wise they've fine. I can see piranhas having more natural coloration and look, dragonflies and ants can look more natural and thinner look IMO. Make them more insect built. The mosa's tail for some reason always looks like fur to me texture wise. Something similar to JW would be cool.



You ever watch the ocean to just take it all in or to make a screenshot of an awesome sunrise and stare at awe at godrays and all of a sudden...an Ichy jumps out to high and dies. And is stuck. In mid air. And that megalodon is stuck there biting at air. Forever. Enjoy that screencapture dude.

Now I'm no student in biology but I'm pretty sure that prehistoric reptiles could BREATH. AIR.

A manta, a fish, jumping out and takes damage doing so makes since. But an air breathing reptile just jumping out and just instantly dying is also just silly (funny but sill).


So here are some mechanics and new little tidbits I think players in Ark could enjoy playing with or even watch.

• Megalodons should go down deep underneath a target then bolt straight up and grab something in their mouths just like real great whites. I know cinematic kill animations would require rewriting coding and make it too cinematic but who doesn't want to see a giant shark leap out the ocean?

• All sea animals you can tame should have a "leap out of water" feature. Air breathing animals should always have their heads up above water when not moving in water. A nice detail like that usually catches the eye of some extremely observant people (my self included).

• Ichys should have a passive ability to push players either above or out water if said player is drowning or sinking due to exhaustion. They could also have an echolocation like real dolphins and parasaurs in game.

• Megalodon and Piranhas become faster and more aggressive if player is  injured or enters the water hurt. 

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Someone which understand that reptiles dont gill breathing :).
I would like to see plesio, mosa, ichtyo and the other reptiles take some air, too. For taming the mosa and plesio you could make them ignoring torpor damage (only wild once) other their taming depth.

TLC opinions:

Pteranodon: please WC remove the teeth ... it means wings without theet ...

Turtle: give the turtle the ability to cover it self into their shell

Spider: ability to climb like the rockdrake (also wild once)

Phiomia: even as an unrated creature, give the elefant some love :(

Mammoth: trunk ability or maybe a two passager saddle ?

Dimorphodon: model rework


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