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Oceania ideas and brainstorm



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Guest BubbaCrawfish
4 minutes ago, Kodking194 said:


This is a thread...



"https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/forums/topic/418227-ideas-for-oceanic-map-related-to-new-dlc-suggestions-oceanic/" is the old URL... Google that and you can view the cached source.


Bear in mind what was said elsewhere about what the devs want too, they don't want a group of people making massive suggestions which are too much work for anyone to put together.

Like, sure you can put out all the dinos you want, mechanics you want and all the rest, but it makes it harder for someone to pick it up and go 'Yea, I can make that'... Making things takes a lot of effort, compared to brainstorming and putting out ideas.

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Guest BubbaCrawfish
Just now, Kodking194 said:

it said this does not exist.

I SAID GOOGLE IT.......... Use the quotes, you'll see the search result, to the right is a drop down, and in there is View cached version...

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Guest BubbaCrawfish
Just now, Kodking194 said:

i did google it but i will retry

Just keep an eye out to the right, in the cached version... I don't think I can link directly to the cached version, but from what I see it was a lot of people bouncing ideas, throwing out additions, making a heck of a lot of what the devs don't want in this new section.

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they owe it to us to at least give us back the content on there. months of work gone cause wild card doesnot like people thinking of ideas for an ocean map. i bet ya they did not even read throught the thread just got rid of it as they never look into things they just act act act never thinking. they never stoped to wonder if hey maybe theese peole put real dedication into this forum and we should not remove it. nope they just got rid of it.

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Guest BubbaCrawfish
Just now, Kodking194 said:

what was on their they did not like

It's not the liking,. it's the sheer amount of ideas that you have... You flood so badly, and make so many suggestions that no-one in their right mind would take on such a task as it is such a hefty job....

If you've ACTUALLY got 6 people WORKING.... Not just saying they will, but ACTUALLY doing dev kit work, and making things, then cool.... But when you suggest something like this, in a section of this forum, it's not a team that are looking at it... It'll be one person, going 'Hey, that would be cool' and they'll try make a BASIS of what it is....

If you simply throw out ideas and spam the thread, it makes people NOT want to undertake it as the goalposts will always move, more things will get added, and overall the dev who takes it on, will NEVER be able to finish it...


Just think about those who will take this sort of thing on, and what Chris said elsewhere...

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Guest BubbaCrawfish


"so i made this forum for all people to give ideas for an oceanic map as me and my friend and possibly a few others are working on it and the creatures hoping wild card may notice it and add it into ark itself as it is a must have map. herw r the ideas i can remember off the top of my head.

.almost all water 90ish%

.under water caves as spawn areas with moon pool like places that lead to the ocean

. water based wyverns and drakes

. the wyvern trench would be an under water volcanoe surrounded by a circular trench with hexagonal colums, volcanic vents at the bottom that release toxic chemicals into the water so you must wear scuba gear.

. a ship grave yard where the levithin boss would spawn like in extinction. 

. oxygen pets that would supply oxygen to u

. new sea relate ditems like new boats, bigger rafts, diving bells, primitive diving gear hide based, new materials to replace others e.g wood, thatch, berries will be replaced with drift wood, bammboo or kelp, sea berries

. plant species w, a plant that allows you to breathe under water like gilly weed (harry potter and the goblet of fire)

. new creatures like the hippocampus and others

. element rocks like the oil nodes, leak element, can place tek element pumps to harvest them. giant clams that can bee collected for keratin and black pearls

and much more so for those who have been to the other forum please restate your ideas and new ones on this forum as me and my friend will be looking here for ideas and on the other forum but mainly here. new people r welcome to add ideas and art for the map creatures and even new ways to gather resources."

@jamescoolcrafter15 These guys want you back in contact if you aren't already...

"Platyhystrix creature should be an early one you guys work on, as it is easy to get done.

Also add the center style underwater bubbles.

Coral will be found in Coral reefs, with a few tropical islands also in these reefs."

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Guest BubbaCrawfish
2 minutes ago, GmanPlaysGames said:

wait so did the massive thread about the ocean DLC that I originally started just up and vanish? I can't find it either and I was the OP for that thread

That would've been seperate. You'll need to find the search for it as I have with the other...


@Kodking194 Here's the link if you can access it... It's horribly unformated because it's not using the forums stylesheets, but there's the content in there. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:z1iLvOR9b-sJ:https://survivetheark.com/index.php%3F/forums/topic/418227-ideas-for-oceanic-map-related-to-new-dlc-suggestions-oceanic/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk


The whole thread was a mess, and it's PRECISELY what the devs don't want again... You need to actually AMALGAMATE it, and make them READABLE and EASILY STRUCTURED.... Not just throw in idea after idea, asking peopel to do things and make other suggestions and all that.

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half of the team were alreasy working on the map and my friend was working on the creatures and they deleted our biggest source of ideas, us long term mebers of the thread were not coming up with most of the new ideas it was people to lazy and stupid to read the entire thread just posting either useless idea or alreasdy mentioned ideas, all those hge posts were confirmed ideas and we were getting somewhere, wild card cant say that when ever they were making ab or ext they did not have a crap load of ideas, that is just terrible thinking.

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Guest BubbaCrawfish

Thing is this is the suggestions for the GAME DEVS... If you guys didn't take your ideas down and put them elsewhere if you were actually making them, then it's not on WC...

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