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Is there a command to disallow specific Dino's on Abb yet ?


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This is an Xbox Server so Mods aren't the answer.

So I want to add some Dino's to my Abb server from the other maps to help increase popularity, but as usual this means allowing all Dino's including Flyers which imo defeats the purpose of Abb on PvP if Flyers can get in. Is there ever going to be an option for this so we can disallow just Flyers or an .ini code to pick and choose what is allowed or not. 

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TamedDinoClassResistanceMultipliers=(ClassName="<classname>", Multiplier=<multiplier>) and set the dino names to a really low integer will make dinosaurs brought on the server receive stupid amounts of damage from really anything.

TamedDinoClassDamageMultipliers=(ClassName="<classname>", Multiplier=<multiplier>) set the multiplier to really low to make them do no damage

cheat DestroyAll <dino blueprint> lets you destroy all dinosaurs of a specific type on your server tamed and wild. you can input this manually whenever the mood strikes you.

it's not what you asked for but it's all i got with the given parameters you set

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