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pvp MTSArk TrioTribes [5x/PvP/OfflineTurretDamageX3] 1200+ Community Members & Conte


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Welcome MoreThanSurvivors Ark. MTS is one of the largest Ark PvP communities est. Feb 2018. We run minimalistic, quality of life mods to keep the experience vanilla as true to the original game - We have a unique game mode server cluster with special 3ManTribe Limit and 3x Structure Resistance and 3x Turret Damage Offline Raid Protection. We also provide a balanced ruleset where we are determined to appeal to all players, those starting out fresh, and those wanting to player versus player.

If that sounds like the way you wish to play Ark: Survival Evolved, then you've found the right community..


✮ Discord ✮
https://discord.gg/bjcgjPW (Over 1200+ Community Members)

✮ Server Join Info ✮

- Server IP:
- Port: 7797
- Battlemetrics: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/ark/3327965
- Ark-Servers: https://ark-servers.net/server/170240/
- Join Link: steam://connect/

- Server IP:
- Port: 7777
- Battlemetrics: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/ark/3413282
- Ark-Servers: https://ark-servers.net/server/172231/
- Join Link: steam://connect/

- Server IP:
- Port: 7807
- Battlemetrics: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/ark/3413281
- Ark-Servers: https://ark-servers.net/server/172232/
- Join Link: steam://connect/

✮ Settings ✮

When joining the Server for the first time all Player Recieve 48 hours structure only New Player Protection!

Mode = PvP
Maps = Ragnarok, Aberration, TheCenter
Tribe Limit = 3
Experience = 5.0
Harvesting = 5.0
Taming = 5.0
Breeding/Hatching/Maturation = 5.0
Mating Interval = 0.5
Tribemate Imprints = True
Baby Imprint Interval = 0.5
Crop Growth = 10.0
Cave Damage = 6.0
Max Player Level = 105
Max Wild Dino Level = 150
Max Wild Wyvern Egg Level = 190
Max Wild Rock Drake Level = 190
Day Time Speed = 0.5 (Aberration = 1.0)
Night Time Speed = 1.5 (Aberration = 1.0)
Player Food/Water Consumption = 0.5
Diseases = False
Alliance System = False
Custom Recipes = True
Corpse Locater = True
Titanosaur Taming = Disabled
Console Gamma = True
Beacon Loot Quality = 1.0
Fishing Loot Quality = 1.2
PlayerFortitudePerLevelStatsMultiplier = 5.0
PerPlatformMaxStructuresMultiplier = 0.75
Auto Unlock Engrams = True
Show Floating Damage = False
Admin Logging = True

ORP System ✮

- When your last tribe member logs offline, a 30 minute timer will begin. 
- When this timer reaches 0 then ALL your Structures take three times less damage (StructureResistance = 0.33) and your Turrets deal triple damage (StructureDamage = 3.0).
- All tamed Dinos can still be damaged and picked by flyers during active ORP.
- There is no complete Offline Raid Protection and raids are still possible when a tribe is offline, however it is alot harder.
- When a tribe member logs in there is a 30 second timer until Structure Resistance & Damage reset to default 1.0.
- There is a maximum ORP Time of 120 hours (5 Days).
- After a tribe has been offline for 168 hours (7 Days) then their structures will Auto-Decay and their dinos will become unclaimed.

✮ Mods ✮

Structures Plus+
HG Stacks 5000-90
Editable Server UI (WBUI)

✮ Server Rules ✮

(1) General Rules

1.1 English only in global.
1.2 There is to be no accusation of admin abuse, admin logging is on for a reason and if anyone has a concern over this then speak to Hamilton (Owner) directly.
1.3 Ensure you do not inflict any form of misconduct. Do not try and force dictatorship, blackmail others, create toxicity and ruin the game for other players in the community. This includes but is not limited to language which is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, sexually explicit, or racially, ethnically or otherwise offensive. This is PvP, trash talking is okay but if it gets out of hand the situation will be reviewed and dealt with accordingly.
1.4 You may not reveal other tribes base locations over Global Chat or Discord, you may however share this information privately.
1.5 You must have a legitimate character name. You may not call your character "Human", "Survivor", "Player", "123", "□□□" or anything similar.

(2) Server Rules

2.1 No complete under-meshing under any circumstances, all structures you place must be visible and able to be damaged. Especially with S+ structures.
2.2 Do not "prison" offline players.
2.3 Building rules: Do not block access to or build on the following points of interest; Obelisks Terminals, Do not completely block off Artifacts in caves these must still be accessible without being shot by turrets or blocked by structures, building on surface entrance on Aberration is allowed!
2.4 No Teaming - to maintain the intent and spirit of the TrioTribe server, players are not permitted to form informal alliances between tribes when it comes to PvP. This includes such things as; Joint raids against one or more tribes (6 v 3 etc), defending a tribe from another tribes attacks to provide mutual defenses.

(3) PVP Rules

3.1 Turrets or F.O.B's can be built out in the world when raiding, PvPing, PvEing or when teleporting to boss arenas via terminals. But must be taken down immediately after leaving the area and not left around in the world.
3.2 If you are being or about to be raided, you may not combat log (instantly log out) to activate your ORP activation timer. If you wish to log out during a raid please contact a admin who will set a time for the raid to complete.
3.3 If you are out in the world and facing imminent death from another player you may not "popcorn" this means dropping all your kit and items on the ground so it despawns. However, during a raid this is different and any loot you own or gain access to can be disposed at your discretion.
3.4 Whilst you are under active new player protection you are NOT allowed to damage other players structures or place turrets away from your base, if you wish to raid then you can remove your NewPlayerProtection by using command /protremove

Any Taming Traps, Spikes, Abandoned Bases, Unactive FOBs, excessive Foundation spam found in the world will be removed by an admin without warning.

✮ Weekend Rates ✮

Taming = 5.0 → 10.0
Loot Quality = 1.0 → 1.2

Saturday 00.00am - Sunday 12:00am. (48 Hours)

✮ Removed Engrams ✮

All S+ TEK Items
All S+ Turrets
All S+ Large & XL Walls
All S+ Internal Pipes
All S+ Fence Supports
All S+ Dynamic Pillars
S+ Repair Gun
S+ Light Setter
S+ Euthanasia Gun
S+ Underwater Tool
S+ Remote
S+ Command Tool
S+ Inventory Assistant
S+ Sheep Herder
S+ Personal Teleporter
S+ Mannequin
S+ Blueprint Maker
S+ Charge Injector
S+ Autocrafter
S+ Repulser Plate
S+ Charge Station
Beer Barrel (Bug Exploit)
Wooden Chair (Meshing Controversy)
Sleeping Bag (Meshing Controversy)

✮ S+ Mod Settings ✮


✮ Server Plugins ✮

All Engrams
Ark Advert
Ark Shop
Custom Chat
Improved Commands
Player List
Private Message
Shop Rewards
Vote Rewards
Weekend Rates

✮ In Game Shop ✮

You earn points every 30 minutes you are playing on the server;
- Default Players earn 25 points.
- VIP Donators earn 50 points.
- Players can earn additional points by killing Alpha Creatures in the world.

/buy 01 (Price: 500) = 1x Empty Cryopod
/buy 02 (Price: 2000) = 1x Cryofridge
/buy 03 (Price: 250) = Mindwipe (24Hr Cooldown)
/buy 04 (Price: 400) = 1x Beer Jar
/buy 05 (Price: 400) = Dung Beetle Level 75
/buy 06 (Price: 400) = Achatina Level 75
/buy 07 (Price: 400) = S+ Domesticated Beehive
/buy 08 (Price: 50) = 2x Each Colouring Dyes
/buy 09 (Price: 100) = Basic Kibble x3
/buy 10 (Price: 200) = Simple Kibble x3
/buy 11 (Price: 300) = Regular Kibble x3
/buy 12 (Price: 400) = Superior Kibble x3
/buy 13 (Price: 500) = Exceptional Kibble x3
/buy 14 (Price: 600) = Extraordinary Kibble x3
/buy 15 (Price: 150) = ARKaeology Skins
/buy 16 (Price: 200) = Unlock all Hairstyles
/buy 17 (Price: 200) = Unlock all Facial Hairstyles

✮ Donations ✮

More Than Survivors is one of the largest Ark: Survival Evolved unofficial communities. A community of our scale has a very large and expensive infrastructures where it relies on the people playing to support it financially. Our setup consists of powerful dedicated servers which provides the smooth, reliable and lag-free experience which we hope you all appreciate as it is rare to see with large Ark Servers. Donations helps us cover our monthly expenses and keeps MTS alive, growing and improving.

We hope your donation is for the sole purpose of your enjoyment on MTSArk and you appreciate the lack of P2W mechanics to create the best possible PvP experience.

Donations amounts are entirely up to the players however; Donators of over £20 will receive

- Double Points in the shop (50 Points per 30mins).
- Priority Whitelist access to bypass queues for your home map.
- VIP Discord Rank.
- 5x Dino Paint (Colour dinos to your satisfaction, colours are bound to the line so can be passed on when breeding).

Check out some videos from content creators playing on the server!

✮ The Apex Way ✮
✮ BAM ✮
✮ EXFIB0 ✮

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