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Mega tribe solution


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I think that huge mega tribes ruin the game they are no fun to be in an do fUn to play against . 

The only solution is to do away with tribes all together . Everything is peronal owned and personal built and tames only rideable by the one who owns them . Then make alliances have unlimited members . 

This way a group of people can still group together and play together but no person Is the owner by default or able to kick people after they put work in. Everyone would have their own house and bases would look more like a village if multiple people built together. 

If someone wanted to leave a group they could leave the alliance and still have all their stuff and tames and if someone wanted to kick them they would have to actually destroy all their stuff. This would make tribes more of a democracy than a dictatorship and allow all players equal opportunities. No one would be the leader as it would be majority rule and if you a sausage you would get attacked .

Would also stop people using others as slaves and ruining their game experience and slow down the growth of large tribes.

This ides would single handedly get rid  of big box bases with behemoths all around , make tribes with random more bare able and shake up the whole community system of this game . Would be most positive change made for the game.

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Your all saying no but I think you need to think about it for a little bit . 

It would improve the game so much . 

Everyone would have a  personal base to call their own , large groups would end up with lots of buildings spread about , this would allow so much creativity and people would be competitive with allies to build the best house , no more giant boxes , it would look like a cool village like everyone wanted to build when they first got the game .

No more non stop grinding for bullets etc everyone would be free to do what they wanted and it would encourage trade within the community . MyBe the guy who likes breeding would build a farm on the edge of base with all his breeding stock , selling the bred tames to allies in exchange for bullets and other items . It would allow people to specialise within the community . If you want to be a boat builder or a sheep farmer etc you can , there will always be someone who needs what you make.

No idiots thinking they are boss . So the thing with this game is some people started with 2- 3 friends some people started solo with no real life friends who play ark . The ones who started with people made tribes. So they got to be leaders and admins. The solo players are forced to join these douche tribes . This is the main problem of the game . You need a big group to get anything but if your in a big group you don't really have anything because it's all the tribe leaders really at the end of the day. If everyone was solo but in an alliance then no one person would have ownership of everything . If one guy wasn't liked you could throw him out the village and burn his house , if a player wasn't happy with the group he could take his stuff and go , no one could stop him or keep his tames. It would encourage majority rule . If you joined a big tribe but didn't like some of the original people you could get more friends in and get more of the tribe on side and actually remove the people that have been there longer than you. 

Would stop insiding , no more unhappy tribe members who put work in and are now feeling trapped and like the time was wasted so no more reason to destroy everything 

This idea is very new player friendly . It would be a lot easier to be invited to build a house in a village than to be invited into a tribe where you have access to everything .

I only play official pvp so this is a pvp sugggestion for main official servers .

It will improve the experience for everyone who is not leader or administrator of a mega tribe . 

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