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Moar DoDo stuff!!


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I caught a wild one, brought it back and the pink hearts started.. I'm like okay how and why? None of these dodo in my pen can even be considered relatives, I've never set anything free.. the server has been turned off and restarted since I caught my breeders and then caught this one. So it can't be like a left over wild one that I took from it's mate that I already had in my possession. Because that first generation is long been executed and ate.

Bug or an ability?

Also, if you use admin commands, level a wild creature then tame.. does it count as spawning at the admin buffed level, or would it count those leves as level ups from exp, for the purposes of breeding?

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So I’m not sure I understand what you are saying. I’m assuming what is happening is that you just tamed a new dodo and tossed it in a dodo pen with other dodos. You then saw your new dodo get a mate boost heart?  What you are describing doesn’t sound like the mating hearts you see when trying to get a fertilized egg. If this is indeed the situation then all you did was put a male next to a female. They don’t need to have been special to each other just a male and a female. 

The other scenario I might interpret is that you just tamed a dodo and brought it back to your base where there are no dodos and the mate boost heart was still showing up. If that’s the case I think it’s more likely that it was mate boosted when you tamed it and it will go away. 

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Let me re explain, i caught 6 dodos to start. Once i got them a common stat male i killed them all but the male. 

Now i went out several real life days later and several server restarts and caught a new dodo from a different area. 

I brought the tamed dodo and stuck it next to my established ones, the new one started showing the pink mate boosted heart. 

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