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Editing Ini Files for Fibercrafting

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Hi all i recently rented my own private server for my close friends and family. Well I am trying to edit the Crafting Cost for everything on my Server to be just Fiber. I no most true blue Ark Players think its Lame. but I am just having fun with my close friends and family. if anyone could assist me on how to do this one simple thing I would greatly appreciate it. I've Scoured the internet looking for how this may be done. If There a Resource for a Simple Copy and Paste solution. to get this to work. I am on PS4 by the way. PLEEEEEEASE HEEEELP!!!!

Thank you in advance,

Zhann - Ark Survival

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Example ( it's not that hard to understand when you get into it)



Change the  " ItemClassString " for the item, weapon, armor, consumable etc . . .  you want

on ARK Gamepedia ( Item IDs ) copy the items " Class Name "



also if the item have more ingredients to make, then you need either remove or add this line


just follow the example and don't forget about those things like   "  ( )  " or    "  ,  " ( always ends up with tripple " ))) " and betweeen each ingredient is this " , "

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