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Community Crunch 166: Console Patch, Server Maintenance, and Wildcard Workshop 21!


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At least they're patching some of the holes and glitches used to mesh but it isn't enough. Gotta disable the cheaters ability to cheat until all the holes are fixed. Otherwise no amount of upgrades, like s+, or Dino fixes make a difference. Kind of hard to enjoy any improvements when one person can get under your base, demolish all of it and kill everything with ease. As for console being 2 patches behind PC? Blame Sony and Microsoft. All software companies have to meet specific guidelines and the software has to be inspected prior to authorizing for their systems. It takes time. It all has to be approved by Sony and Microsoft before it is distributed. 

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I play Official PVE on xbox one x and was wondering if anyone else regularly experiences these issues:

-- every ~40 minutes on our scorch server the game crashes, also happens less frequently on extinction. Happens on all scorch servers. SInce I got a one x I no longer experience this but all of my tribemates still do

-- when logging in to my scorched earth, aberration, or ragnarok servers, the game stops loading in. It is the same as what happens when the router turns off, where I cannot interact with anything but can move around. Never happens on my Island or Extinction servers, even though they have much larger bases with hundreds more dinos. This has been an issue since the Extinction cronicles update of september

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h'raay, tek saddles will b fixed... so what about all the other broken tek.  Afrer > a year of solo play, I finally defeat a boss on Official, and I'm sittin on tek leggings (pun intended) that won't charge or activate.  I think at this point I would prefer a game-breaker to a game "What's the point?"-er....    I take that back, don't be Hello Games...

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Why are we not getting the 291.100 patches fixes? Console player pay more for this raptoring game and we get 2 week old patches late and then you guys can't give a raptoring date as to when we will get our already late patches. We will probably get them by the time PC gets a new patch which will make console 4 weeks behind. raptoring amazing WC! 

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2 hours ago, Austria said:

Artefakt of the Pack (ice cave) and the loot drops in the ice cave spawns not on xbox sience months!



8 hours ago, SubjeqtZero said:

On my Nitrado server, the Labyrinth, Ice Cave, and Lava Cave artifacts do not spawn and haven’t since the last update.

Aww didn't know that, on PC it works

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14 hours ago, rayzr8 said:

Why are we not getting the 291.100 patches fixes? Console player pay more for this raptoring game and we get 2 week old patches late and then you guys can't give a raptoring date as to when we will get our already late patches. We will probably get them by the time PC gets a new patch which will make console 4 weeks behind. raptoring amazing WC! 

PC are the lab-rats really. Try things out before console.

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Xbox recently made the compatibility with mouse and keyboard possible and I'm hoping Ark for Xbox will soon give xbox players the option to use the mouse and keyboard as well, I have tried to plug in and use them but there are no options or any available information for mouse and keyboard usage for Ark on xbox. I am hoping that ark will soon allow this feature thanks.

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19 hours ago, Melcreif said:

Hmmm, I don't see the Cryopod update for baby imprinting and mating timers.  Seems like a simple fix, wonder why we aren't getting that one yet?  It's the only one I was looking forward to!

We’re 2 updates behind PC. Both patches are big so we’ll need one before the other. I’d imagine they will submit the other patch for certification soon after.

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