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Lost Managramar to Redzone cause of laag


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In my Opinion WC should work around the redzone on Official Servers!

to many dinos dieng to redzone cause laag.

On stable server i think its OK to have such a Endgame barrier but on unstable server like on the official`s its not the Players fault if they lose dinos trough laaag!

have a nice Day keep ur rage calm.

Happy surviving :)


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I think the whole idea of the redzone needs to be taken back to the drawing board because it doesn't give enough of a buffer zone between crossing the boundary and getting hit for nearly a million damage. I've had potential tames high on torpor run into the red zone and die, I've lost a wyvern to the red zone when I accidentally flew past the border fleeing from a wild 130 managarmr that was dead set on killing me off the wyvern every time I tried to escape on it, and I've lost a managarmr to it when it got fear roared by a yuty and ran straight into the red zone. Nice try Wildcard but this proverbial wall of death is doing more harm to the servers than good.

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