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Structures Plus (S+) & Kibble Rework Beta Is Live!


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3 hours ago, mercdeking said:

Well kibble rework affect for imprint kibble? If not then kind let dino still have a reason

The Augmented kibble on Extinction is the only kibble used for imprints. None of the standard kibbles are used on Extinction, currently, for anything other than taming.


5 hours ago, ArkP1 said:

So... Looking at the new kibble recipes, what do I do with all this prime jerky I’ve been making?

Oh holy hades. Hadn't even thought about all the jerky we have that will server no purpose (other than eating) once the Augmented kibble tree is enacted. @Jen - Any plans on this "issue" ?


1 hour ago, Yiu said:

Great way to reduce kibble dinos... our server been capped for so long now

Hasnt your server started using Cryo pods & cryo fridges? If not then someone - a LOT of someones - needs to get on the ball. Because a server being capped now, is nothing but abuse and there is NO excuse for it.

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5 hours ago, Arkaholic said:

Is this beta branch also for reporting major bugs as well?

...Its called beta branch for a reason, so clearly no, unless the major bug it is related to the beta items like S+ integration or new kibbles.

15 minutes ago, SkaerKrowe said:

So this is just taking the S+ building mod and putting it into the real game, right? Will that include the S+ pillars as well?

Probably not. They are only including some features in it.

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1 hour ago, Vaculity said:

Probably not. They are only including some features in it.

I failed to see where the features being made available for testing were stated to be the end of S+ integration. Surely the pillars have a strong possibility of getting tested if the walls get the go ahead, don’t you think?

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3 minutes ago, SaltyMonkey said:

I failed to see where the features being made available for testing were stated to be the end of S+ integration. Surely the pillars have a strong possibility of getting tested if the walls get the go ahead, don’t you think?

Well, I did say probably not and some. We don't even know if they will consider adding pillar for being tested.

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