CrusherS300 Posted March 10, 2018 Share Posted March 10, 2018 nice tool Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aushegun Posted March 13, 2018 Share Posted March 13, 2018 I apologize up front for not reading all 20 pages, but I am a PS4 player. I understand that I can manually type in the stats from each of my tames into this program on my laptop computer. However, is there a way to extract this data from my PS4 and flash drive load it into this program on my laptop. I've got hundreds of tames, and would like bypass the hours of manual typing if possible. But I am not a programmer, so if the only way to do this involves some high tech procedure that only smart people understand, than it won't work for a idiot like me. Never the less, this seems like a great program, and I've heard good things about it for months from users on this forum. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cad Posted March 14, 2018 Author Share Posted March 14, 2018 On 13.3.2018 at 9:50 PM, Aushegun said: However, is there a way to extract this data from my PS4 and flash drive load it into this program on my laptop. I've got hundreds of tames, and would like bypass the hours of manual typing if possible. Hi, one way would be to create screenshots of the creatures and use the OCR-feature of ASB to add the creatures to a library (OCR is not perfect, manual adjustments may have to be applied). Instead of screenshots you can probably also use a stream of your ps4 on the laptop and grab the data from there (you may have to adjust the "Capture from" in Settings - General - OCR. A very fast way you can use if you have access to the save-file of the server. This is only possible if you play on an unofficial server and the admin provides the file (which they probably will not do if it's a PvP-server, to not reveal info about other players). If you have access to the save-file, you can import this after converting it with ark-tools, some more info can be found in ASB - Settings - Import. For using ASB, you only need to enter the most useful creatures for breeding, you can leave out species you don't want to breed, and creatures you know you will never use for breeding. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroSeconds Posted March 17, 2018 Share Posted March 17, 2018 (edited) @cad Here are few more idea's with things that I struggle with, some might not even be possible but I'm just 'thinking out loud': - Baby Tsunami check-box. I'm kind of a mass breeder on thylacoleo's trying to get all my top stats together and what not (which I have now; base level 329). A thing that really consumed lots of time was that I had to individually check every single baby and judge whether they should die or be spared. Criteria to kill was: no mutation, no improvement, no missing sex. So the idea is basicly that there could be a box or option where you pool all the upcoming inputs and the app shows you which ones are benificial and which ones are utterly useless and can be killed. Way easier to save them and less pollution in the app. - As mentioned earlier the "clean" box in the breeding plan for the clean line. - A box or some kind of mark on the original tames. I basicly kill all the generations inbetween the original tames and the end product. Found out I was looking for quite some time for my original breeds - Regarding the pedigree it's a cool feature but I'm not using it whatsoever. This has mainly to do with the fact that for every baby you have to select mother/father which is a bit too much work imo for the output. Maybe some advice on how to efficiently put them in to get the pedigree? Edit: Oh and something I forget to mention. Maybe an idea to add in some kind of preview on what the stats and base level will be if you combine all of your best stats together (have been doing this manually up untill now) Edited March 17, 2018 by ZeroSeconds Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cad Posted March 18, 2018 Author Share Posted March 18, 2018 @ZeroSecondsthanks for the suggestions, I'll put them on the todo-list. The "clean"-option has been added in one of the previous releases, in the breeding-plan you can set the max mutations for creatures to be considered in the Breeding-Mode-box. Regarding the pedigree, I don't know how to connect the family tree more efficient. If I come up with a better idea, I'll consider to add it. The tool can only guess who could be the offspring of whom, there's no certainty, so the user has to select that manually. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunflex Posted March 22, 2018 Share Posted March 22, 2018 (edited) So what about a hitbox so ive you have a second screen you can choose to use monitor 1 2 or 3? The oberlay is mostly running on a different screen so no ocr is possible. Edited March 22, 2018 by Sunflex Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bloopaloop Posted March 22, 2018 Share Posted March 22, 2018 This looks extremely useful. I was planning on taming and breeding like crazy in the upcoming weekend so I'll give this a go. I was drawn to the library as it's extremely convenient for what I have in mind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cad Posted March 22, 2018 Author Share Posted March 22, 2018 11 hours ago, Sunflex said: So what about a hitbox so ive you have a second screen you can choose to use monitor 1 2 or 3? The oberlay is mostly running on a different screen so no ocr is possible. I haven't found out why this is happening sometimes. Usually it'll fix itself if you disable and re-enable the overlay. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volunteer Moderator invincibleqc Posted March 24, 2018 Volunteer Moderator Share Posted March 24, 2018 @cad The "Export Dino" option they added in v279.2245 is creating INI files under ../steamapps/common/ARK/ShooterGame/Saved/DinoExports/<steamid> which contains all the information needed for an easy import/auto-sync implementation. Here is an example of the data it contains: Spoiler Quote [Dino Data] DinoID1=102969132 DinoID2=223517667 DinoClass=/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ptero/Ptero_Character_BP.Ptero_Character_BP_C DinoNameTag=Ptera bIsFemale=True bNeutered=False TamerString=Human TamedName= ImprinterName= RandomMutationsMale=0 RandomMutationsFemale=0 BabyAge=1.000000 CharacterLevel=45 DinoImprintingQuality=0.000000 [Colorization] ColorSet[0]=(R=0.040000,G=0.040000,B=0.040000,A=0.000000) ColorSet[1]=(R=0.040000,G=0.040000,B=0.040000,A=0.000000) ColorSet[2]=(R=0.200000,G=0.200000,B=0.200000,A=0.000000) ColorSet[3]=(R=1.000000,G=0.475000,B=0.300000,A=0.000000) ColorSet[4]=(R=1.000000,G=0.475000,B=0.300000,A=0.000000) ColorSet[5]=(R=0.040000,G=0.040000,B=0.040000,A=0.000000) [Max Character Status Values] Health=416.049988 Stamina=195.000000 Torpidity=437.299988 Oxygen=360.000000 food=2484.000000 Water=100.000000 Temperature=0.000000 Weight=122.400002 Melee Damage=1.485000 Movement Speed=0.350000 Fortitude=0.000000 Crafting Skill=0.000000 [Dino Ancestry] DinoAncestorsCount=0 DinoAncestorsMale=0 Pretty sure it would make a great addition for users to just have to export the data of their creatures and have it added to their library in a click. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tattare Posted March 25, 2018 Share Posted March 25, 2018 Did I miss a update and they changed movement speed on dinos again? I breed some Thylacoleos and before when I checked to see the breeding plan some of the thylas showed speed at 40 and some showed speed at 1 with ark smart breeding. I hatched one and it came out 282 the top stat should of been 285 and this pairing had the 40 speed and the baby received the speed. I hatched two more from parents that has the 1 speed and they came out level 246 but they received all the stats that would of made them level 285 but they received the 1 speed. So idk are some of these pre nerf? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cad Posted March 25, 2018 Author Share Posted March 25, 2018 On 24.3.2018 at 8:12 AM, invincibleqc said: @cad The "Export Dino" option they added in v279.2245 is creating INI files under ../steamapps/common/ARK/ShooterGame/Saved/DinoExports/<steamid> which contains all the information needed for an easy import/auto-sync implementation. Will be implemented in the next release. 9 hours ago, Tattare said: Did I miss a update and they changed movement speed on dinos again? I breed some Thylacoleos and before when I checked to see the breeding plan some of the thylas showed speed at 40 and some showed speed at 1 with ark smart breeding. I hatched one and it came out 282 the top stat should of been 285 and this pairing had the 40 speed and the baby received the speed. I hatched two more from parents that has the 1 speed and they came out level 246 but they received all the stats that would of made them level 285 but they received the 1 speed. So idk are some of these pre nerf? A nerf of speed wouldn't affect the levels. Speed is always calculated as the difference of the total levels and the spend wild levels of a creature. If one of the parents had a level marked yellow in the extraction, the levels could have been different, also affecting speed. You can try to re-extract them (in the library right-click -> copy values to extractor) and look if there are more possibilities for the level-distribution. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroSeconds Posted April 11, 2018 Share Posted April 11, 2018 @cad Just came here to say thank you again and good job. The last few updates are awesome and are making breeding life so much easier. I really love the new addition that a stat lights up if they are the highest stat in the library when extracting values and the new mat/pat mutation counters. Here are a few other things that I've noticed that might need a tweak for an easier life. - Player name and Tribe name: Currently I have about 6 different players names and 4 or 5 tribe names because it reads it different every time and I forget to change them and disable the reading when starting the app. Is it maybe an idea to put in for example 1 tribe name and 1 player name by default and that it will automatically fill those in (when starting the app). Currently you have to manually type the tribe name and player name and than disable the reading feature by clicking on "tribe name" and "player name" everytime you start the app. - I've also encountered a problem with my thyla breeding that I did not expect: I have 2 seperate thyla lines currently, the base level 329-335 thyla's that are mutated and the base level 319 clean thyla's. For the clean thyla's I don't have all the stats together yet but it was showing the wrong thyla's to breed with eachother to get the fastest best results. I can give you the data and more details if you're interested (in 2 hours or so when I get home from the office) Thanks again for all your work, I'll definatly drop you a coffee when I get home <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cad Posted April 11, 2018 Author Share Posted April 11, 2018 6 hours ago, ZeroSeconds said: - Player name and Tribe name: Currently I have about 6 different players names and 4 or 5 tribe names because it reads it different every time and I forget to change them and disable the reading when starting the app. Is it maybe an idea to put in for example 1 tribe name and 1 player name by default and that it will automatically fill those in (when starting the app). Currently you have to manually type the tribe name and player name and than disable the reading feature by clicking on "tribe name" and "player name" everytime you start the app. Good suggestion, I'll add that in the next release. 6 hours ago, ZeroSeconds said: - I've also encountered a problem with my thyla breeding that I did not expect: I have 2 seperate thyla lines currently, the base level 329-335 thyla's that are mutated and the base level 319 clean thyla's. For the clean thyla's I don't have all the stats together yet but it was showing the wrong thyla's to breed with eachother to get the fastest best results. I can give you the data and more details if you're interested. A screenshot of the breeding-planner with the unexpected suggestions would be good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroSeconds Posted April 11, 2018 Share Posted April 11, 2018 (edited) 2 hours ago, cad said: A screenshot of the breeding-planner with the unexpected suggestions would be good. Breeding planner: Clean Thyla's: The stats that I need to get together are: 51 hp 51 stam 41 ox 45 food 46 weight 40 melee 44 speed (319 base) If I mate [WR] 31 + 40/44/45 I can get the best combination out and can get the best stats out in 3 generations, whilst now it is showing me to combine 44/45 + 35 as best stats that will come out the exact same stats as 44/45 (307 base), so no actual progress. ^^ This is what I first thought, but now that I look at it again its even better to mate [WR] 30 + [WR] 44/45 whilst doing [WR] 31 + [WR] 40, this will speed it up even more (lower chance but best progress) Another thing that might be worth adding in is the base level of the dino in the library (preferably right after the name or before sex), can have 2 tabs with " base" and "current" level as some people might want to see their highest current level but for breeding the base is only needed. Edit: Cheers! Edit2: Even if I change the breeding option to the other 2 nothing changes, it stays exactly the same (yes I clicked apply new weightings ) Edited April 11, 2018 by ZeroSeconds Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cad Posted April 12, 2018 Author Share Posted April 12, 2018 @ZeroSeconds I think the issue is that your creatures that have a top-stat somehow are not considered in the breeding-planner. What is your top-level for HP and Stamina? Are the creatures that have these stats marked as not available? Or are they filtered out because they have mutations and you set the max mutations in the planner to 0? Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroSeconds Posted April 12, 2018 Share Posted April 12, 2018 39 minutes ago, cad said: I think the issue is that your creatures that have a top-stat somehow are not considered in the breeding-planner. What is your top-level for HP and Stamina? Are the creatures that have these stats marked as not available? Or are they filtered out because they have mutations and you set the max mutations in the planner to 0? Highest current stats mutated: 53 hp; 53 stam; 41 ox; 47 food; 48 we; 48 dmg; 44 wasted Highest current stats clean: 51 hp; 51 stam; 41 ox; 45 food; 46 we; 40 dmg; 40 wasted All unavailable/dead creatures are set to not show in my library I think I've found the problem , it's the breeding score. Somehow this outcome gets a breeding score of 9.5438: And this gets a score of 9.3188 I don't know how the breeding scores are calculated but maybe its the percentage of the outcome that boosts the no-progress to top? The thing that doesn't make sense to me thow is that if I press "high stats" it also shows the 307 clean on top Here's my full library of Thyla's, maybe that helps more: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cad Posted April 13, 2018 Author Share Posted April 13, 2018 The Top-Stats breeding modes look for the top-stats and try to combine them. A clean-breeding like you try to do it isn't handled well. Setting the max mutations to zero just ignores the creatures with mutations for the pairings, but don't ignores their top-stats. So in your case the breeding planner can't find any creatures with top-stats (because they are all excluded due to their mutation) and suggests the remaining pairings that would give the most top-stats. E.g. the weight stat level of 46 is not a top-stat, so the Top-Stat-algorithms are not interested in it, they want the 48 of the mutated "[WR] Weight Mut". The High-Stats-mode could work better in this situation for now. I'll rewrite the top-stats-algorithms so it can handle excluded top-stats better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroSeconds Posted April 13, 2018 Share Posted April 13, 2018 1 hour ago, cad said: The Top-Stats breeding modes look for the top-stats and try to combine them. A clean-breeding like you try to do it isn't handled well. Setting the max mutations to zero just ignores the creatures with mutations for the pairings, but don't ignores their top-stats. So in your case the breeding planner can't find any creatures with top-stats (because they are all excluded due to their mutation) and suggests the remaining pairings that would give the most top-stats. E.g. the weight stat level of 46 is not a top-stat, so the Top-Stat-algorithms are not interested in it, they want the 48 of the mutated "[WR] Weight Mut". The High-Stats-mode could work better in this situation for now. I'll rewrite the top-stats-algorithms so it can handle excluded top-stats better. Nice thank you, Isn't there an easier way around it in stead of rewriting it as a whole? Like "seperate" the clean from mutations in the library and run that same algorithm only on that part whilst seeing mutations as another category, the same way dino's are seperated. I don't know much about coding, just thinking out loud Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChrisYolo Posted April 19, 2018 Share Posted April 19, 2018 I was searching to make a little tool with spreedsheet or data base when I discovered this tool ... Oh my gosh what a great tool !!! that works so well ! I thank you so much to simplify that work of breeding or inventoring dinos. ! I have some questions : - how exactly did we use the raising tab ? Did we capture an image of the baby's stats like with other dinos to add in the library? - what about that speech recognition ? Is it only possible to speak in english or did the tool work with other languages too ? - what about a possible translation ? is there possible to help you making a translation file if it exist? I'm a Happy french user of your application so excuse my english ! ;-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChakramPrincess Posted April 19, 2018 Share Posted April 19, 2018 Hi, I just started using this and I have a probably stupid question. Once a dinosaur is added to your library, how do you update its level? I choose edit by right clicking on the dino in the list and there's no way to edit its level. I have been manually adding stats etc for each dino (as I play on the PS4) and found there was no way to update the level if the dino levels up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChrisYolo Posted April 19, 2018 Share Posted April 19, 2018 38 minutes ago, ChakramPrincess said: Hi, I just started using this and I have a probably stupid question. Once a dinosaur is added to your library, how do you update its level? I choose edit by right clicking on the dino in the list and there's no way to edit its level. I have been manually adding stats etc for each dino (as I play on the PS4) and found there was no way to update the level if the dino levels up. Hi ! You just have to edit your dino and level up the stat you level up ingame then save the dino... his genral level will simply change... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChakramPrincess Posted April 19, 2018 Share Posted April 19, 2018 Awesome! Thanks for the help Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChrisYolo Posted April 19, 2018 Share Posted April 19, 2018 Other idea that came to me in searching explcations about raising-tab : is it possible to send alerts by mail on some event like baby that is born, or baby that became juvenile.. or some other events ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cad Posted April 19, 2018 Author Share Posted April 19, 2018 8 hours ago, ChrisYolo said: 1. how exactly did we use the raising tab ? Did we capture an image of the baby's stats like with other dinos to add in the library? 2. what about that speech recognition ? Is it only possible to speak in english or did the tool work with other languages too ? 3. what about a possible translation ? is there possible to help you making a translation file if it exist? 4. Other idea that came to me in searching explcations about raising-tab : is it possible to send alerts by mail on some event like baby that is born, or baby that became juvenile.. or some other events ? Hi, 1. If you used the Breeding Plan to see which dinos have a good chance for good offspring you can click on "These Parents just mated", and a timer in the raising-tab is added for this egg / pregnancy. When the creature is hatched / born, you can right-click on the timer-entry to have the parents already selected. 2. The speech-recognition uses an engine which is built in windows, so it probably will interprete the speech in the language your windows is set to. The words it tries to understand are the species-names in english, so you may try to pronounce the species as if you're reading the name in French 3. Translations are currently not possible, I might add them in a future version. 4. You can set some alerts in the settings, currently only for taming (starving- or wakeup-alarm) and birth of a creature. The alarm is only possible as a local sound, and only if Smart Breeding is running. I'll add it to the todo list to have other ways for an alert, I'm not sure if email etc. is possible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IanHighlander Posted April 20, 2018 Share Posted April 20, 2018 Hi @cad Just a quick question and possible usability suggestion depending on the answer. I find trying to find anything under the pedigree tab tedious, not sure if I'm missing something obvious or not, but I can't find a way to sort the list on the left under that tab, the titles are clickable but don't appear to do anything, so the list just seems to be sorted by when the dino was added to ASB and there's no way to sort by name for example. Am I missing something obvious here, is there a way to sort these into say alphabetical order to make them easier to find? If not could there be please. Thanks as always for a great tool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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