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What part of S+ would you like to see released next?


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Pillars that don't protrude through ceilings, AC units that fit into windowframes, feeding trough options so I can prevent everyone nomming on the fish for the otter babies, ramp > stairs, Platforms with snap points, stackable foundations, triangular building pieces, Fence Supports, gates that snap to stuff.

Basically everything that calms my desire to have everything neat and organized.

Oh.... And the Item Collector. God, please don't forget the Item Collector. My last memories of my year of solo official PvP was logging in and realizing I'd developed a Pavlovian response to dino-pooping noises..

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I would appreciate less clipping. I have one spot that I cant put ramps because it is "obstructed" even though another spot allowed an even bigger obstruction. (you can see the sliver of brown as opposed to my regular ramps) I would really love the pull mechanic too, I don't think it is very game breaking because it just saves a bit of time really. I guess I can see how on PVP it would be a little OP since you could pull things instantly and craft things, maybe just the pull for certain things?


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Hitching post, but make them so you can place them close together in a row instead of the 3/4 foundation gap between them, don't really need them now with the leash but they make great perches for dimorphs/vultures ? , also the triangle pieces

Not really bothered about much else out of S+, maybe the dedicated storage which is great (weird mats though, ammonite bile?) and the vivarium if they tone down the egg production or make it work with current mechanics

Now what I would like to see which would improve building is take the system from Atlas, no janky snap points and the ability to continuously place items like walls etc without having to select them one at a time

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